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A Changing Social Service System

As a Human Service Professional, you will encounter clients who have a multitude of problems and needs. As our society changes, it is our responsibility to stay aware of the changes and how those changes impact the services we provide. It is also our responsibility to know what services and programs are available in our own community. Please use the assigned readings and use the Library to research peer-reviewed studies to support your post.

Please respond to the following:

1.    Locate a program in Duval or Clay County Florida serving one of the societal problems you identified in the unit 9 discussion.
o    Identify the name of the program and provide a brief description of the program including the services the program provides.

2.    How does the changes that have occurred in our society and the family unit impact the way in which we as Human Service Professional provide services?
o    Are there any special considerations we need to take into account when we are providing services to family (i.e., legal custody, extended family or non-biological individuals who are perceived as family)
o    Do Human Service Professionals need to be more knowledgeable of things like legal issues surrounding who can consent for treatment and the difference between consenting for treatment and ability to make educational decisions?

Please read the following articles that discuss a changing society and changing social services:

Asada, Y., Yoshida, Y., & Whipp, A. M. (2013). Summarizing social disparities in health. The Milbank Quarterly, 91(1), 536. https://doi.org/10.1111/milq.12001

DeVoe, E. R., Dondanville, K., & Blankenship, A. (2019). Contemporary military families: Service in the post-September 11 era. In APA handbook of contemporary family psychology: Foundations, methods, and contemporary issues across the lifespan., Vol. 1. (pp. 779795). American Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/0000099-043

Dunn, B., & Wamsley, B. (2018). Grandfamilies: Characteristics and Needs of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. Journal of Extension, 56(5). Retrieved from https://www.joe.org/joe/2018september/pdf/JOE_v56_5rb2.pdf

Forthun, L. F., Fogarty, K., Rudd, S., Bartolomeo, S., & Mighty, P. D. (2018). Providing Family Education for Grandparent Caregivers: Lessons from the GRandS Program. Journal of Extension, 56(2). Retrieved from https://www.joe.org/joe/2018april/pdf/JOE_v56_2rb3.pdf

Gundersen, C., & Ziliak, J. P. (2018). Food Insecurity Research in the United States: Where We Have Been and Where We Need to Go. Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy, 40(1), 119135. https://doi.org/10.1093/aepp/ppx058

Shaw, A. (2019). 2019 Resources for Military Families Touched by Special Needs. Exceptional Parent, 49(1), 7886.

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