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Respiratory System

Respiratory System Discussion Each student must post (1) substantial initial post with a minimum of 250 words by Thursday of each week before 11:59 PM.  All posts and replies must contain at least (2) professional references, one may be the course textbook, properly cited in the current APA format.  Late discussion posts are not accepted … Read more


Using a close analysis of a portion of the text of Macbeth and one of the supplements you studied in class (or another outside resource), you will compose an essay, exploring one or more of the overall themes of the play by way of close analysis. Your essay will only consist of a thesis statement … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Question #1:  Do people who know they are HIV infected have an obligation to tell their partner/s about their status before engaging in sex with them? Explain your answer.     PLs provide a fresh perspective on this issue.    You enhanced the academic atmosphere of the course by posting thoughtful, well-written opinions.    You showed evidence that … Read more

Deliverable 3 Challenges in Healthcare: Powerpoint

CompetencyAnalyze the challenges of economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare. ScenarioReforming healthcare delivery to improve the quality and value of care is essential to address escalating costs, poor quality, and increasing numbers of Americans without health insurance coverage. Reforms should improve access to the right care at … Read more

Deliverable 6 Create An Abstract

CompetencyDraft a paper that answers the research question based on findings. ScenarioYou are a first-year graduate student. You are taking a graduate course on research and writing. In this assignment, your professor has asked you to write the abstract of a research paper you are interested in writing. InstructionsYour abstract should have sections summarizing the … Read more

Assumptions and Contingency Planning

Company: The Company is Edward Jones – Product is the company is trying to introduce a new accounting and banking software that will revolutionize the accounting industry and transform banking services. In this Milestone, you will submit the assumptions and contingency planning, in which you will clearly explain the assumptions you have made in creating … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the attached sources (attached as PDF) documents and answer the questions below. Blackstone (apologies for the olden times typesetting–Ss look like Fs in some words):1-What are the prerogatives of the King? (Paragraphs 8-10)2-How does Blackstone characterize the Kings powers in paragraphs 11-13?3-In foreign relations, the King is the sole voice of the nation. How … Read more

Audit article

Select from any professional literature within the audit industry during the past year. 1. Provide a summary of the case or the article. 2. A. Problem or Opportunity Statement (aka. the Critical Issue). Provide a singlestatement of the critical issue present in the case or article. If several issues are apparent,identify them in priority order. … Read more

Deliverable 4 Issues Brief for Healthcare Executives

CompetencyAssess the roles and impacts of various stakeholders within U.S. healthcare systems. ScenarioDue to your background as an expert consultant for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (or CMS), you have been encouraged to apply as Director of the agency. You are scheduled to interview with the top government executives in healthcare and must … Read more

argumentative essay

For this essay you are going to argue for three different rights or freedoms that every adolescent should have. Be sure to include at least 2 quotes from I have a dream by Martin Luther king, jr.. you will also have a counter argument paragraph for the opposing side. Provide sufficient evidence and examples to … Read more


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