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correlational research

For this task, you will read the attached three news articles intended for a general audience reporting the results from correlational studies. You can find the links to these articles on the attachment. For each of the articles, you will answer the following questions and provide justifications for your answers:     Provide a brief … Read more


For this assignment, you read the article written by Buzi, Smith, and Weinman (2014) located on the attachment. These authors used a chi-square analysis to analyze the data from their research study.  Now, write a summary of the research, including background information on the topic, the main hypotheses, methods, results, and the conclusions drawn by … Read more


Using the internet, do a search for pharmacy technician job listings. Choose one pharmacy tech job posting. The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) requires you to know the roles of both the pharmacist and the pharmacy technician. What are the job responsibilities of the pharmacist, and what are the responsibilities of the technician? What will … Read more

statistics in psychology

For your Signature Assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation suitable to use for a lecture in an introductory statistics class. You should include the following in your presentation:     A description of why a knowledge of statistics is important in careers in psychology as well as in everyday life.    A description of … Read more

clinical respond

THIS IS GHE MAIN POST Read the syllabus (it’s long but has a great course description and intro to the course). Post any thoughts or questions you may have about the course overview and description. Does it surprise you to hear that some Humanistic therapists and theorists dislike the idea of therapeutic “interventions?” General expectations … Read more

ESL EFL Teaching Lessons Speaking Writing Reading

I have a number of lesson plans I would like created for an  English as a second language/ Foreign Language course! This would constitute a few lesson plans. It would  be a really basic worksheet style/ essay style showing simply that you had the ability to teach such a course! The post ESL EFL Teaching … Read more

data set graphs

This assignment has two parts, which will be submitted in one document. For this task, you will calculate the mean, median, and mode for a fictitious data set. These data represent the results of a fictitious study, which investigates whether a new drug (Drug A) is more effective than a placebo (i.e., an inactive substance) … Read more

hypothesis testing

This week, you have read about hypothesis testing and will now apply this knowledge by writing a paper that addresses the following:   –  Provide an example of a hypothesis where a one-tailed hypothesis test would be used.  – Provide an example of a hypothesis where a two-tailed hypothesis test would be used.  –  If … Read more

For the term paper, you are required to pick a current economic topic that relates to the material we have covered or will cover in this course. You will research and find an article that covers the topic you have chosen. You can use an article online or

For the term paper, you are required to pick a current economic topic that relates to the material we have covered or will cover in this course. You will research and find an article that covers the topic you have chosen. You can use an article online or offline from any reputable source. You will … Read more

Police Officer Oral Presentation/Speech

All instructions will be attached. In the Oral board Prompt PDF please pay attention to the instructions, topic, paper format, and the written paper/presentation evaluation. They need to be spot on and effective. I have also attached the core values of the Richland police department (RPD) including their mission and vision for your use in … Read more


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