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Research the Hill Burton law and Certificate of Need laws

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to research the Hill Burton law and Certificate of Need laws. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:Research the Hill Burton law and Certificate of Need lawsYou are a health … Read more

Diversity in Healthcare

Diversity has a significant influence on health care. Studying transcultural health care helps health professionals understand different cultures in order to provide holistic and individualized health care. Review the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence, including the theory, framework and 12 domains. Write 750-1,000-word paper exploring the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence. Include the following: Explain … Read more

Stress from school

Instructions: Topic, Stress from school You must have a work cited page in your essay or presentation slideshow Your job is to choose a topic and report your findings back to the class in a presentation with a visual. You need to write your script on each slide so when somebody reads your slide, the … Read more

ethics and clinical research

write a paper (not less than 1000 words, not including any front matter or references) discussing all of the ff:-Regarding the Willowbrook Hepatitis Experiments and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, discuss the researchers rationale for launching and conducting these studies.-Discuss the methodologies utilized in the Willowbrook Hepatitis Experiments and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study-Discuss the ethical problems … Read more

Compensation of executives

InstructionsMany people today believe that U.S. executives are paid too much while others believe that the size of their compensation packages are justified. For this assignment, choose a peer-reviewed article to review. Use the databases in the CSU Online Library, and find an article about executive compensation that is of interest to you. The article … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The essay question was created to provoke honest, thoughtful responses to help people get to know you. In addition to content, essays are evaluated for critical thinking and writing ability, skill in organizing and presenting thoughts and the relevance of your answer to the question posed. Essay prompt: Describe a time when something important to … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Competencies MeasuredBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: Competency 1: Apply appropriate notation, terminology, procedures, and concepts to statistics problems.Describe a distribution.Calculate measures of variability in Excel from a group of raw scores.Calculate measures of variability in SPSS from a group of raw scores.Solve … Read more

Week 3 Assignment 1 BUS 302

Creating a Culture of Innovation and CreativityOverviewCreativity and innovation are essential to an organization’s success, and both should be infused into every aspect of a business. Companies with creative and innovative employees keep up with industry changes and have a competitive advantage. Human resources (HR) can foster a creative culture. For this assignment, assume the … Read more

MN610 W8 Lifelong learning

Describe a plan for how a nurse practitioner will meet continuing professional development, practice hours, and continuing education as required by your state board of nursing (Alabama) and your credentialing organization. Specifically, a plan on how the nurse practitioner can use online CEU’s, publishing, attending national seminars and conferences? The post MN610 W8 Lifelong learning … Read more


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