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Critical evaluation of the plan and any possible future developments, competitor moves, changes in customer needs that need to be accounted for

1. Introduction to the Lean Start-Up. (250 words). The C level perspective being taken, the Part A process including feedback. Profit, creativity, lean characteristics.2. Business Objectives. Profit, sales revenue and profit margin objectives for the first three years of operation (250 words).3. Value Creation: Customer Value Proposition Canvas (Diagram) Minimum Viable ProductIndividual student explanation, extensions … Read more

Evaluate investment and financing decisions for multinational firms in light of risks associated with foreign exchange and international bond markets.

DescriptionA 2000 word individual academic essay (50%) on a topic area of interest that is of the mainstream with particular emphasis on the financial crisis.The impact of the financial crisis on single parent families and the governments lack of financial help/refusal to support a Child maintenance service package afforded to children, the most vulnerable in … Read more

Demonstrate ability to critically assess such developments/reforms in the light of the question

CourseworkCommercial Law Level 6 – LAW1219IntroductionThis coursework is designed to develop and test your understanding of the legal framework of aspects of commercial law 40% of the total course marks.AimsDescribe and explain important aspects of the Law of England and Wales relating to contracts, terms and commercial law;Apply the relevant law to factual scenarios;Research at … Read more

Describe current tribal conflicts in Afghanistan.

Week 01 CommentaryPrint This PageCommentaryRead the course description on the syllabus. Without thinking about it too much, sit down with a piece of paper or a computer keyboard and key in/write anything about the description that piques your interest. Don’t worry about pretty or clear writing; just do a data dump. When you’re finished, read what … Read more

Explain how clinical decisions and interventions are influenced by assessment showing appreciation that needs during illness are at times uncertain and will change requiring the need to evaluate and re-assess.

Male patient aged 24 admitted for elective surgery “right knee arthroscopy” and removal of metal workAverage weight 172 lbs Height 6ft 2Pre- admission observationsBP 120/68Respirations 17 per minutePulse 68Temp 36.7Abby Pain score 2observations one hour Post – operativeBP 110/50Respirations 14Pulse 75Temp 36.1Abby pain score 8observations two hour Post – operativeBP 135/75Respirations 18Pulse 75Temp 37.2Abby pain … Read more

identify specific questions you wish to answer, and articulate the learning outcomes you want to achieve.

Week 01 Assignment: Topic/Questions/OutcomesFocus on the geography of a region of interest and how geography relates to an implementation of a project or to the cause of or resolution to a problem in the region.The study should examine natural resources and resource challenges, paying particular attention to mineral, oil, water, and other high valued items present in the region.The … Read more

Discuss how institutional racism has been enacted and perpetuated throughout Australia’s history, particularly in regards to Indigenous peoples’ access to adequate health care, education and employment.

Assessment name:Cultural Safety EssayTask description: The vision of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (Australia) “The Australian health system is free of racism and inequality and all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have access to health services that are effective, high quality, appropriate and affordable” (Australian Government, 2013, p. 7). Racism is … Read more

What is the purpose of training? Who can design and deliver the training?

Stand-Alone Project: A Proposal for Expatriate Employee Development (200 points)You should begin working on the Stand-Alone Project early in the course. Each lesson provides a benchmark for completing the Stand-Alone Project in a timely manner while working through the course. You will find this information in the “Stand-Alone Project Benchmark” section of each lesson. (200 points) … Read more


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