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What is the moral in these variants of “Cinderella”? How do gender roles and social class stereotypes get both reinforced and resisted in the tales? Looking closely at and engaging with Maria Alcantud-Diazs articlePreview the document, examine the critic’s thesis and discuss your opinion on her argument about power and violence, especially with regard to … Read more

Financial accounting activity 1

Choose a major publicly traded corporation, then go to the corporates site and retrieve the information needed for this assignment. Provide information about the history of the corporation and its current product offerings. Provide a screenshot of the corporates latest reported income statement. Organize the income statement in an Excel file to enable you to … Read more

Read about the macro-environmental factors influencing the external environment of the company in ‘Materials’, ‘Part 1’. Considering your studies in Week 6, analyse the macro environment of an industry in which the company operates. Your answer to this part should be no more than 400 words. (20 marks)

Part 1 Read about the macro-environmental factors influencing the external environment of the company in ‘Materials’, ‘Part 1’. Considering your studies in Week 6, analyse the macro environment of an industry in which the company operates. Your answer to this part should be no more than 400 words. (20 marks) Part 2 Read the documents … Read more

The Economic Impact of A Global Pandemic

Discuss, review, and summarize an article covering the global economic impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic. An online or offline article from any reputable source is acceptable. The paper must review the article, summarize the article, and discuss how it relates to Economics. Please include a references page to accompany the paper. Thank you! The post … Read more

Please refer to instructions

Students should select a debate, associated with one of the main concepts and themescovered by the first 7 lectures (i.e. colonialism, modernity, ethnic/national identities and theirrole in modern societies, meaning of intent, classification of a victim group, “hard/narrow”versus “soft/broad” definition of genocide, etc.) and write a 5-7 page analysis of the contestedissue. The analysis should … Read more

Story Writing

Turn the poem into a story about yourself. This story should be all about you and your life and should include everything from your poem. It should be at least 3 paragraphs of 7-11 (7th grade level sentences) in length. Use the I Am Poem to guide your writing. Goals in Writing:1. Make it flow2. … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Post your answers to the 6 questions corresponding to this weeks content on primary care medication management. Provide your responses and rationales. Support your rationales with high level evidence. (See Post Expectations) 1. What is the role of Narcan with substance abuse?2. What medication is the newest to be used in the treatment of opioid … Read more

Health Advocacy Campaigns

We explored different ways of influencing policymakers through a number of forms of letter writing. For this discussion, you will explore other ways of working with campaigns. As a health advocate, it is important to assist candidates who support your issues to help bring about the desired change. There are a number of different ways … Read more

environmental health

Write up a short summary 23 pages.  readings from Environmental Health, Chapter 1 of Friis, and links posted Please address the following: What is EH? What are the 10 Essential Services of EH/PH? Why are these important? links:https://www.neha.org/ https://www.cdc.gov/publichealthgateway/publichealthservices/essentialhealthservices.html https://www.who.int/southeastasia https://moodlemtech.mrooms3.net/pluginfile.php/862394/mod_resource/content/0/NEHA%20January.pdf The post environmental health appeared first on Template.


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