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Overcoming feeling overwhelmed in high school

Prompt: Reflect on a challenge you experienced in your own learning in high school. Pick one learning style or habit of mind that helped you overcome the challenge (or WOULD have helped you if you had known about it)..– Describe the challenge– Define or summarize one learning style or habit of mind (in your own … Read more

Discussion 1

Go to: https://www.valuescentre.com/tools-assessments/pva/ . Follow the website instructions. Discuss your findings and how congruent your actions are to what your stated values. Based on these findings, create a personal values statement. Which Ethical Standards for Human Services connect to your top 5 values? Discuss how these connections will inform your practice as a human service … Read more

Quality Improvement in Public Health

As demands on the U.S. public health system continue to increase, more quality improvement strategies are needed to support the system and improve outcomes. Public health agencies, like leaders in other industries, are developing quality improvement approaches for application in public health settings. Bringing together local, state and national healthcare practitioners and other stakeholders in … Read more

Respond to the following questions (separate each response with the text of each question): What do you believe is the U.S. federal government’s weakest and strongest cybersecurity domain/sector/program or concept? How would you reduce weaknesses? How

Respond to the following questions (separate each response with the text of each question): 1) What do you believe is the U.S. federal government’s weakest and strongest cybersecurity domain/sector/program or concept? 2) How would you reduce weaknesses? 3) How would you design the federal government’s cybersecurity management integration across agencies? The post Respond to the … Read more

Team Management Activity and Reflection

This assignment focuses on how the management practices of planning, leading, organizing, staffing, and controlling are implemented in your workplace. find three Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) that provide information on Amazon.coms business structure. Here is the scenario and situation: Assume you are an employee working in the … Read more


Select one of the following approaches to understanding or implementing organizational change:    Dunphy and Staces Four Levels of Change    Balogun and Haileys Change Model    Proactive vs. Reactive Changes    Strategic Change versus Tactical Change    Tichys 3 Types of Change    Balanced Scorecard    Contingency Alignment Framework    The Stakeholder ApproachSummarize this approach and provide an example of how this … Read more

3045 dq resp 1

HERE IS THE MAIN POST THAT ZANG RESPONDED TO Discussion #1 Syllabus discussion Read the syllabus (it’s long but has a great course description and intro to the course). Post any thoughts or questions you may have about the course overview and description. Does it surprise you to hear that some Humanistic therapists and theorists … Read more

International Marketing Advert Blog Post

Given recent events, many activities, including education, is shifting towards digital age. You are invited as a guest blogger to share your expertise on one of the marketing-blogs. Your task is to choose a short video advertisement of a global brand (Apple, IKEA, Nike, etc.) related to Covid-19 pandemic and provide a consultation of the … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Creating a one sheeter on what is the sales pitch to merchants for the below companies. In other word, what message does these companies use to make merchants use their platform in their businesses. -Uber Eats-Paypal– Amazon-Tesla-Airbnb The post Any topic (writer’s choice) appeared first on Template.


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