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Lorri, a permanent resident, is seeking to sponsor her husband, Martin, and their son, Carlos. Lorri submitted a complete sponsorship application to the CPC (Case Processing Centre) in Mississauga.

Instructions: 1. Read instructions carefully. 2. Attempt all questions. 3. Due date: _____________ RESULTS: TOTAL: _____/40 Immigration Law Procedures (IMM107) Assignment 1 – Page 1 of 4 © 2017 September 15, 2017 INSTRUCTIONS Case Studies Assignment – Please answer case study questions in spaces provided. Lorri, a permanent resident, is seeking to sponsor her husband, … Read more

You are general counsel at ABC, Inc., a large publicly-traded corporation with thousands of shareholders, which means you are the primary lawyer for ABC. You attend confidential planning meetings of ABC’s executives.

Case Study Recall the questions posed earlier in the unit: Legal ethics are the special rules governing lawyers when they engage in their work. Should different rules apply to lawyers than the rest of us when they are performing their professional duties? Today’s lawyers have been called a modern secular priesthood. One need only think about … Read more

Social Deviance

The papers will be about 2+pages, single-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1 margins, no heading. They mustbe between 1300-1500 words in length. I only want your name at the top and nothing else; again,you need to meet the word requirement. Points will be deducted if you use larger font, spread outyour font, adjust your … Read more

OSHA: Hero or Villain?

OSHA: Hero or Villain? OSHA has been seen as both a positive and a negative influence on business and employees. Start by reading OSHA’s mission statement. Retrieved from http://www.osha.gov/.Go to About OSHA.Explore the information and links on that page.Locate some articles about OSHA written by Ralph Nader. How does Mr. Nader feel about OSHA and … Read more

Stakeholders in a Business Situation

Read the factual scenario as to Something is Rotten in Hondo, Course Documents. Prepare a three-page analysis that defines the concept of stakeholders, identify all stakeholders in this situation and separately address the interests of each stakeholder in this situation. Also, analyze whether the decision-makers responsibility to provide for his or her family outweigh his … Read more

Information Technology

A group policy object or GPO can be configured to implement security parameters of a Windows domain, among other things. Different organizations have different security needs, and their GPO settings can vary. Try to imagine your current workplace or a past one where you think a GPO would work well (maybe it even used them). … Read more

Environmental Disasters

Businesses have created a variety of environmental disasters throughout history. As the world becomes more industrialized, the potential for disaster increases. For this Discussion Board, you will explore the Exxon Valdez oil spill to see how it influenced the discussion of a companys duty to environmental stakeholders. Click on and read the Alaska Oil Spill … Read more

“Real World” Instruction Sets

Below are two older but real sets of instructions. Please look them over fully and carefully. If you were part of the technical writing team for these products, what are the three most important pieces of advice you would provide to make these instructions stronger and more effective. Please refer to our assignment description and … Read more

Government Contracting Doctrines

Read the assigned brief for this week, Donald C. Winder, Secretary of The Navy v. Cath-dr/Balti Joint Venture (pp. 31-35). Prepare a brief about the case and be prepared to discuss it during the class Briefs should be no more than 1-2 pages but must include a section for each of the following: the facts … Read more


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