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This portion of the discussion assignment will be a competition.  Next week you will “vote” on the best submission, but for this week, you will select your model “leader”.  You are not required to respond to any students in this section.  You only need to write your essay about your leader, why you selected them … Read more

Business Intelligence and Analytics

“Considering the wide availability of business analytics and business intelligence tools and technologies for organisations to avail of, they no longer provide organisations with any real business value.” Critically evaluate this statement. In your research essay, you should providearguments and counterarguments, along with references to academic / practitioner articles and case studies, outline challenges and … Read more


Requirement: Using the terms, concepts, and theories learned in this course, write a 5 to 7 page (Times New Roman 12 font with double-spaced lines) leadership essay defining your leadership philosophy with one or more of the leadership theories we have studied. Each page should be approximately 350 words, so the total word count (not … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Use the following prompt and create and essay Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more? ***This is for 11-12th level writing*** The post Any topic … Read more


Please read the attached case and please answer the below mentioned question based on Human Resources theory. Each question need to be answer on 1 page!: -/- What selection practices would you introduce to facilitate the selection of minority employees?   -/- What measures/indicators would you use to measure the progress and effectiveness of these … Read more

human trafficking legislation

For this assignment, please visit APUS Libguides.(https://apus.libguides.com/pubadmin/humantrafficking) Our librarian, Beth Cook, has compiled an excellent list of sources for human trafficking legislation and reporting. Please draft a literature review using any 8 of the sources provided. Obviously most of these sources are primary document or government reports but just treat those as a source. Basically, … Read more

RE: Week 2 Discussion

When passengers fly, airlines provide several methods of check-in. Check-in options are provided online, at the ticket counter (with a human), or kiosks. Use the Internet to locate airport kiosk page of one major airline (such as United’s Airport Kiosks page). Describe the key factors that constitute a user-friendly check-in experience. Examine the major design … Read more

Nursing Theory

Within the Discussion Board area, write 250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. You are required to use 1 scholarly resource in addition to your textbook. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. … Read more

Advancing in Skill Acquisition

For this assignment, you will interview and examine a digital patient to practice communication and physical assessment skills. To begin, use the e-mail from Words of Wisdom (WoW) to register for the Shadow Health Digital Clinical Experience. You must complete the steps in the e-mail before you can access the simulator. You will only need … Read more

Instruction set

these are samples, not necessarily models. Student samples in this course do not necessarily indicate “A” work.  Use them for inspiration and guidance, but always try to make your work even better. Evaluate some of the sample instruction sets using the language and concepts found in the module’s readings. What are some effective and ineffective … Read more


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