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What is Rex Huppke’s position on raising the minimum wage? How does this position differ from what we generally expect of authors when they take a stand on an issue? 2. Huppke tells readers about how his thinking on the minimum wage debate changed as he researched the issue. How does this revelation affect his credibility?

The reading and questions here are an example of argument and provide practice for C.R.A and for summary, analysis and evaluation of an argumentative text. The questions will help you practice the skills needed for Essay #2 Lit. Analysis (Summary, Analysis and Evaluation of a Scholarly Source/Text). Please answer all questions using complete sentences. You should also practice incorporating the author’s name and the title of the work and using MLA in-text citations.

Thinking about the Text Questions (Rex Huppke’sarticle)

1. What is Rex Huppke’s position on raising the minimum wage? How does this position differ from what we generally expect of authors when they take a stand on an issue?
2. Huppke tells readers about how his thinking on the minimum wage debate changed as he researched the issue. How does this revelation affect his credibility?
3. Even though Huppke admits that both sides of the minimum wage debate “make valid arguments,” he takes a stance. What parts of his article suggest which side he favors?
4. How does Huppke address the various sides of the debate? How does his treatment of the multiple perspectives affect his own argument?
5. This article was the last in a two-week series in the Chicago Tribune, in which Huppke explored various sides of the issue. Read the series at everyonesanauthor.tumblr.com, briefly summarizethe issue, and then respond by taking a position of your own.


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