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At the same time as the Industrial Revolution and reign of Napoleon, an important new artistic and intellectual movement called Romanticism spread throughout Europe. Romanticism was a reaction against the rationalism and scientism of the Enlightenment. Romantics argued that

At the same time as the Industrial Revolution and reign of Napoleon, an important new artistic and intellectual movement called Romanticism spread throughout Europe. Romanticism was a reaction against the rationalism and scientism of the Enlightenment. Romantics argued that human feelings, intuition, and imagination were more important than reason in the human quest to understand the world. Unlike the skeptical attitude that the Enlightenment took toward Christianity and religion in general, most Romantics strongly supported Christianity. Romantics tended to be especially attracted to the ceremonies and tradition of Catholicism. Many Romantics also idolized the Middle Ages and the art and architecture that came out of it. They found the Middle Ages to be far superior to the industrialization that saw beginning all around them. Along the same lines, many Romantics were very interested in nature—something that was seemingly being destroyed by industrialization and the growth of European cities. Romantics were fascinated by popular culture as well—everything from folklore to folk songs and fairytales.

The impact of Romanticism can be found in literature, art, and music. For this assignment, choose two of the following and write how it reflects the Romantic Movement as a whole:





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