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Elder Adult Nutrition Assessment Paper– Nursing 352 Many chronic conditions and illnesses occur in the elderly. In the older adult, nutritional problems can result from changes in function, energy level, mood, and can have a direct impact on intake and absorption. Many conditions or illnesses require drug therapy, which may affect nutrition

Elder Adult Nutrition Assessment Paper– Nursing 352
Many chronic conditions and illnesses occur in the elderly. In the older adult, nutritional problems can result from changes in function, energy level, mood, and can have a direct impact on intake and absorption. Many conditions or illnesses require drug therapy, which may affect nutrition. For this assignment, you will interview a community or family member greater than 65 years old (using the health history and MNA). Identify if
they have any specific or potential nutritional needs. Consider the pandemic that is ensuing and how the COVID-19 will affect their nutritional status. Be sure to explain to the participant that the purpose of this assignment is an academic exercise.

Any personal identifiers are prohibited, and the client shall remain anonymous. If you do not have access to an older adult, please contact your clinical instructor so that an older adult will be assigned to you. The Client Health History is your worksheet and not required to be turned in. However, the completed MNA is required to be turned in along with your

  1. Complete the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA). Attach completed tool to paper. In a brief paragraph, discuss data conclusions from the tool used. (18
  2. State five physiological or psychological factors that have contributed or have the
    potential for a nutrition alteration in your client (for example: a decrease in taste
    and smell perception, presence of xerostomia, decrease in visual acuity, decrease
    in socialization, medication use, loss of teeth and changes in gums). Be sure to
    cite your rationales. State if the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced any of these
    factors. (25 points)
  3. Give five nursing interventions and supporting rationales that would be
    appropriate and realistic for your client. Each intervention must address one of
    your factors. State your source/reference for the interventions and rationales
    using APA 7th ed. style. (25 points)
  4. Briefly discuss lab data such as albumin, prealbumin, TSH, Vitamin B12, BUN,
    and serum glucose levels regarding what you would expect to see if determining
    nutritional risk. Address each one and cite your sources. (13 points)
  5. APA 7th ed. format, spelling, grammar & quality references for paper. (10 pts)
  6. Timeliness and completion of databases, narrative notes, DARs & reflections of
    clinical days’ “patients” assigned. (9pts)
    This assignment should be typed and approximately four-five pages in content. Attach
    the completed MNA to the paper.


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