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This is an intellectual exercise in summarizing the process/development/content of an exhibit or a community based observation associated with the course material. This project will bring together themes, content, questions and learned experience in the active learning component of our course

This is an intellectual exercise in summarizing the process/development/content of an exhibit or a community based observation associated with the course material. This project will bring together themes, content, questions and learned experience in the active learning component of our course. You may focus on Native American, African American, Asian American, and/or Latina and Latino American communities.

The intellectual achievements of pre-Hispanic societies that we have learned about by virtually visiting archaeological sites and analyzing material culture are present in our daily lives (yes even here in the United States). North and South American native societies were transformed after European colonialism but the native societies have NOT disappeared entirely. There is evidence of their continued contributions to society in the 21st century. Many other peoples have contributed to our local communities, this is why Southern California is world renowned! Because the diverse peoples in this geographic region have contributed to its success and to its eclectic reality. And this is why you may focus your attention on Indigenous, Native American, African American, Asian American, and/or Latiiquna and Latino American communities.



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