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The article majorly covers on how video games consume people’s time such that drawing the line between the most appropriate time for work and play becomes a great challenge. Video games have really transformed into work places, consuming much time which should have been set for job. Some of these video games however are side jobs, an alternative source of income to those who engage in them apart from being just a mere source of entertainment. The article clearly brings out the pros and cons of video games in the work place. The most notable pro is the boosting of team work as the work performed in the video games has evolved to be similar to that which is performed in the business companies. The games have played a key role in revealing certain humongous social trends the unclear cut line between work and play. The article disapproves the cultural stereotype that work and play cannot go hand in hand (Yee, 2006).

In most of the corporation worldwide, such as pharmaceutical companies, video games have been a source of career choice. Others include fashion design, architecture and bioengineering. Some raw materials such as minerals and chemicals have to be located by use of surveying tools that are geological then get harvested by use of installations that are purchased from other players that have adequate skills in architecture of the industry. Multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORRPGs) are a common genre of a video game. According to (Yee, 2006), this type of game allows players freely interact with each other as well as explore the world in three dimension graphics. From the article, it is evident that real life largely affects gameplay in an MMORPG and vice versa. Its positive impacts like promotion of team work is stressed like how the game helps in making of long term decisions about someone’s future business (Yee, 2006).

True to the article, video games teach people on how to be determined and diligent. In a game like Tibia for instance, a lot of work is involved, a game that is free or one can even pay for extra content. One does not actually the extra added content due to the widespread nature of the world and abilities provided. For instance, one can makes runes in a mage character which takes several hours per day so as to make enough for a profit that is worth the effort. All this teaches hard work and diligence. One can be a knight but has to train hard for many hours so as to acquire the skills high enough or be in a position to do anything that has enough fun. Just like the real life, MMORPGs are now becoming too much of work with little or unequal reward. In a game like City Of Heroes, a well thought out can be enjoyed with enough reward for equal effort made in the game. The basics are that one only needs to choose to look, irrespective of what a player needs. Changes need to be made many a times, with much concentration on the levelling bit. The game is quite easy to start or master (Yee, 2006).

MMORPGs being just a microcost of many other games, it shows how mankind is distracted from work’s true nature. The article however provides a solution that is corporate metaphors that can be sued in sidestepping the distractions while reveal the analogous work of slayed dragons. In (Yee, 2006), all this is in support of video games, however, the article needs to provide further information on the negative impacts of these videos games to the human brain such as brain damage due to addiction and distraction from doing more construction activities Contrary to the content in the article, one cannot avoid work in any activity that he engages in, be it volunteer work, playing games or any complex video game. Even though certain activities require less work done, such as television watching, due to the fact that at least some work is does not make these activities any less enjoyable. Games can also not be directly compared with work as games are more fun due to activities involved such as role playing, interaction with people, competitive playing and skills improvement as well as challenge overcoming. The article does not provide enough experiences and has a small experiences sample with little success in full evaluation of either side of effects caused by video games (Yee, 2006).

In conclusion, as evident from the article and research, there is over emphasis on work by the entire world. People work their whole lives just to make payments for things bought with money that is not even there. Currently, credit and loans are a common problem to everyone. Inflation is a common phenomenon and currency fluctuation is even worse. With money losing value, people have all reasons play online games. However, the time and energy spend on this game and other should have equal or close returns and addiction should be avoided at all cost. More research on the negative impacts needs to be done which will positively impact the world economy as people will concentrate more on activities that directly help the economy to grow and develop (Yee, 2006).


Yee, N., (2006) The Labour of Fun: How Video Games Blur the Boundaries of Work and Play, Stanford University, Sage Publications. USA. Print.



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