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Assessment Discuss a suitable assessment tool that would be used for one of the signs of deterioration. Explain how this assessment tool is used and the appropriate nursing response when acute deterioration is detected. Integrate theory and evid


Discuss a suitable assessment tool that would be used for one of the signs of deterioration. Explain how this assessment tool is used and the appropriate nursing response when acute deterioration is detected. Integrate theory and evidence in your explanation. You can choose to focus on the assessment of deterioration in physical or mental health in this section.


Integrated psychosocial care

Choose two individual features from the case study and discuss how spiritual, sociological, psychological, emotional, and/or cultural aspects impact the individual and influence nursing care.  Integrate theory and evidence in your explanation. You should only choose two aspects of this list.

Assignment – Essay template: Understand the need for evidence-based, seamless care through person and relationship centred care and discharge planning at the onset of access to health services.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Be able to analyse and discuss the interrelationship between spiritual, sociological, psychological, physical, emotional, and cultural aspects of care.
  • Use inquiry-based methods to identify and evaluate the effectiveness of adult patient coping strategies in relation to their health.
  • Source and use knowledge of underpinning pathophysiology to interpret common physical symptoms of ill health.
  • Identify and explain the signs and symptoms of acute deterioration.
  • Use an enquiry-based approach to select and utilise appropriate assessment tools to detect the presence of acute deterioration and respond accordingly.

Essay title and case study
This essay will present an evidence-based case study focusing on a person with a long term condition or acute illness, who is at risk of acute deterioration. The essay will show how the understanding of psycho-social as well as physical symptoms contribute to the individualised assessment and person-centred care. The case study chosen is as follows:

Introduce your assignment. Clearly introduce the acute or long-term condition for the case study you have chosen. Supply some context of the prevalence of the condition and impact on the individual and their family. Include one or two current statistics. Outline the themes that this essay will be including pathophysiology, psychosocial, coping strategies, potential deterioration, and appropriate nursing assessment. Emphasise that this is based on a fictional case study, not a real person.

Explain the primary pathophysiology of an acute or long-term condition. Discuss the physiological changes that occur and how they lead to the common physical signs and symptoms that a person with this condition may experience.

Acute Deterioration
Explain how and why this patient might deteriorate in their physical and/or mental health and wellbeing. Relate to the signs and/or symptoms in the case study and choose one or two key signs of deterioration to discuss. Integrate theory and research in your explanation. For example, you might explore acute physical deterioration such as breathlessness and acute mental health deterioration such as anxiety.


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