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Assignment Brief: This technical report should be the culmination of good literature review work carried out through using a wide mix of sources: lecture slides, textbooks, industrial standards and guidelines, research papers, and web resources. It should present the appropriate background on the topic area of interest. It should also present technical content in relative depth looking at all the issues concerned. The report needs an introduction at the beginning and a conclusion a

Assignment Brief:

This technical report should be the culmination of good literature review work carried out through using a wide mix of sources: lecture slides, textbooks, industrial standards and guidelines, research papers, and web resources.

It should present the appropriate background on the topic area of interest. It should also present technical content in relative depth looking at all the issues concerned. The report needs an introduction at the beginning and a conclusion at the end. Your lecturer also prefers the report should be critical in terms of literature review and creative in terms of the report content (incl. method, results and evaluation). A list of resources referenced and a separate bibliography should be produced in the Harvard/IEEE reference format.

The technical report should be based on the topics listed below, which link to one or more sections of the module syllabus. 

  1. new developments in digital crimes and the challenges to computer forensics

The coursework is assessed on the following criteria:

  • academic challenge/originality
  • analysis/research
  • critical reflection and conclusion
  • clarity of expression and readability
  • construction and presentation of the document
  • reference and bibliography


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