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Design a REST API prototype using Covid19 data using node js, express, MongoDB, and mongoose for the given CSV data having the following field. React must be used for the user interface.

Design a REST API prototype using Covid19 data using node js, express, MongoDB, and mongoose for the given CSV data having the following field.

React must be used for the user interface.

  • county
  • state
  • cases
  • death
  • date

The following task should be performed


1. Create a Mongo dB collection to hold the data from the given CSV file. name this collection as Covid Data or any appropriate name.

2. Develop a web server application using node js express to design the RESTAPI. Your code should separate the server-side code from client in at least separate files. The REST API should be able to demonstrate the following

2.1 Create mongoose Schema for this dataset and from this Schema create a model to be used in add delete update and find commands.

2.2 Create a User interface in React that could be able to take the input from the user according to the scheme defined in Mongoose Schema. It should be able to take the input for adding, deleting, and updating the record.

The user interface should also be able to display records on the browser in HTML format such as tables

2.3 Add an endpoint or URL to the REST API to add data to the Covid collection. for this endpoint, you should display a form to take input from the user for the fields defined in the Covidcollection, once data is inserted in the data it should display the inserted data on the browser

2.4. Add separate endpoints for update case, death, and date for a given state and county, the updated record should be displayed on the browser.

2.5 It should also have a separate endpoint to show a total number of cases and deaths for a given state and county, the updated record should be displayed on the browser.

2.6 It should also have a separate endpoint for deleting a document for a given state and county.

2.7. it should have an endpoint to display the first 20 documents from the covid data base for a given date and state. the data should be displayed on the browser.

2.8. it should have an endpoint to display the states where Cases are more than the given value entered by the user in a single day.

2.9. it should also have an endpoint to display your laptop information using os package to the user

3. Write a report(template given below) having proper format with list of content, abstract introduction reflecting your understanding about RESTAPI, express package, etc. along with development process The report should also contain design methodology identifying the presentation application and data layer for your application, screenshots of the input and output of the endpoint and javascript & HTML code.

3.1 Role and Self-learning in the project.

Every member of the group should describe in a separate section his contribution and Role and what did he learn in the project. Project Presentation.

You have to demonstrate your software with a PowerPoint presentation (15-20) to explain your work. You may expect a few questions on your work in the allotted question-answer time. Each student in the group is expected to present at least one slide.


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