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Individual Storyboard: Week 6 in the seminar class. You are required to prepare a one-page storyboard to showcase what you plan to film in your Digital Presentation. You will have 5 minutes to talk through what you plan to include in your video. This should be in a storyboard format. This forms part of your Summative Assessment. This shou

Formative Assessment:

Individual Storyboard: Week 6 in the seminar class. You are required to prepare a one-page storyboard to showcase what you plan to film in your Digital Presentation. You will have 5 minutes to talk through what you plan to include in your video. This should be in a storyboard format. This forms part of your Summative Assessment.

This should be visually stimulating as well as informative and cover the requirements of the Digital Presentation. Your storyboard should include:

  • The innovation concept (introduce and explain the proposed customer-facing innovation)
  • Who the innovation is targeted at?
  • The sequence of the video within frames
  • Consider the music you will use and why
  • Discuss your reasoning for visual choices
  • Discuss timings for each frame of the video

This is your opportunity to receive formative feedback on your proposed digital presentation. Rehearse and time your presentation to no longer than 5 minutes. See Moodie for a detailed brief. (Links to L03)
LCF is an Advanced Signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME). This unit references UN Sustainable Development

Goal number 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure and

Goal number 12: Responsible Consumption and Production.


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