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Task 2 1. Twin studies are said to illuminate the debate about the competing influences of nature and nurture in relation to the measurement of intelligence. Give two specific examples of how such comparisons are made and explain the weaknesses which may be present in the methodology used. 2. It can be

Assignment Brief:

This assignment focuses on psychological perspectives, methods of researching behaviour and intelligence and facing the ethical questions which research can pose for the psychologist.

Below and then write a mini-essay comparing the two psychological approaches. The bullet points provide guidance about what to cover and how to structure your mini-essay.


Option B – Neuro-biological and Cognitive

Comparing the neurobiological and cognitive approaches to psychology could be likened to comparing the hardware with the software on a computer.

What are the differences between the neurobiological and cognitive approaches when appraising the key drivers of human thinking and behaviour?

Task 2

1. Twin studies are said to illuminate the debate about the competing influences of nature and nurture in relation to the measurement of intelligence. Give two specific examples of how such comparisons are made and explain the weaknesses which may be present in the methodology used.
2. It can be argued that studies of animal behaviour are relevant to human psychology because humans are thought to have evolved from other species. Explain the usefulness of studying animal behaviour as a means to understanding human cognitive abilities.

Task 3

Construct an argument which ethically supports Zimbardo’s prison study and a counter-argument, which is an ethical critique of Zimbardo’s prison study. Use short direct quotes from the BPS Code of Human Research Ethics (2014) to support your argument and counter-argument.


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