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Task A Research report Carry out research into the theories, principles, and models of learning in education and training. Write a report in which you analyze a) theories, principles, models of learning, and models of learning preferences Drawing on this research and on your own exp

Assignment: Theories, principles and models education and training Assignment overview

There are five learning outcomes for this unit:

  1. Understand the application of theories, principles, and models of learning in education and training
  2. Understand the application of theories, principles, and models of communication in education and training
  3. Understand the application of theories, principles, and models of assessment in education and training
  4. Understand the application of theories and models of curriculum development within own area of specialism
  5. Understand the application of theories and models of reflection and evaluation to reviewing own practice.

Each learning outcome contains assessment criteria against which the candidate will be assessed. For more information on the unit outline and assessment criteria please refer to the qualification handbook.




This unit is research-based and will develop deeper knowledge and understanding to support learners in their practice. The research of the five main themes will underpin the development of best practices and support a wider understanding of educational theories and how they may impact their teaching. All tasks must be produced in a professional academic writing style and should include evidence of your research with references. This includes linking research coherently to your writing and using referencing, such as a bibliography, citing, and quotes.

Task A

Research report

Carry out research into the theories, principles, and models of learning in education and training. Write a report in which you analyze

a) theories, principles, models of learning, and models of learning preferences Drawing on this research and on your own exp

erience, explain

b) ways in which theories, principles, and models of learning can be applied to teaching, learning, and assessment

c) how identifying and taking account of learners’ individual learning preferences enables inclusive teaching, learning, and assessment.

Task B

Report and presentation

You are required to prepare a presentation that explains ways in which theories, principles, and models of communication can be applied to teaching, learning, and assessment

To support this presentation, produce a research report which details your analysis of theories, principles, and models of communication.


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