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You are applying for the role of a marketing manager and required to carry out research into the concepts of marketing for this business (Intercontinental Hotel London- The 02, Greenwich). Do not forget to introduce the business first and explain its concept. 1. Discuss the concepts of marketing for the hotel 2. Assess the i

A research report describing the concepts of marketing, the role of marketing mix, the promotional mix, and the marketing cycle in a services industry context.

You are applying for the role of a marketing manager and required to carry out research into the concepts of marketing for this business (Intercontinental Hotel London- The 02, Greenwich).

Do not forget to introduce the business first and explain its concept.

1. Discuss the concepts of marketing for the hotel

2. Assess the impact of the marketing environment for the hotel

3. Assess the relevance of consumer markets on the hotel

4. Discuss the rationale of market segmentation for the hotel Having been hired, the first mission is to work on the launch of a new product or service, make sure to explain first what is the product or service.

Your report will include

1. Discuss the relevance of market research to services industry operations

2. Undertake a market research (pry or secondary) for the hotel. It must at least include current and expected market size for the selected product or service and give details about the competition

3. Analyse the suitability of different media for marketing the product or service

4. Suggest how you would evaluate the implementation of your advertising campaign


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