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You need to produce all the reports and documents specified in the tasks. DATA This assessment is based on an existing business, Complete Cleaning Solution Services, a business that carries out cleaning services for local retail shops and offices. The owner of the business is Zamira John, who operates as a sole trader. At the start of the business, Zamira operated a manual bookkeeping system. She has decided to computerise the accounting sys

1.Assessment  Details

Part A – background information

Preparation of Accounts using computerised accounting software

This assessment asks you to input data into a computerised accounting package and produces documents and reports.

There are 14 tasks and it is important that you attempt all the tasks.


You need to produce all the reports and documents specified in the tasks.


This assessment is based on an existing business, Complete Cleaning Solution Services, a business that carries out cleaning services for local retail shops and offices.

The owner of the business is Zamira John, who operates as a sole trader.

At the start of the business, Zamira operated a manual bookkeeping system. She has decided to computerise the accounting system from 1 October 2020.

You are employed as an trainee Accountant.

You can assume that Zamira checked and authorised all the documentation. Cash and Credit sales are entered into one of the following two categories:

  • Retail Shop Cleaning
  • Office Cleaning

The business is VAT registered and the normal rate of VAT charged is 20%.

Some nominal ledger account codes are already in the system, but you may need to amend or alter them. Please remember the basic areas within the system for coding:

00XX – Asset accounts 1200 – Bank current 1210 – Petty cash

3000 – Capital and drawings 4000 – Sales

5000 – Purchases

7000 and 8000 – Expenses

Refer to the customer listing below. Enter the customer’s accounts and the opening balances into the system from the information as of the 1st October 2020

Customer name and address Customer accounting code Customer account details at 1 October 2020
Harris Accounting Services 5 Orford Hill, Norwich, Norfolk NR1 3QB HSA001 Opening balance £530.58 Payment terms 30 days.
Blush Boutique 12, High Street, Norwich,Norfolk, NR12 9AN BB002 Opening balance £728.96 Payment terms 30 days.
Petworth 24 St Brides, Burgh Road, Aylsham, Norwich, NR11 6AJ P24003 Opening balance £1,500.34 Payment terms 30 days.

Task 2

 Refer to the supplier listing below. Enter the supplier accounts and the opening balances in the system from the information as of the 1st October 2020.

Supplier name and address Supplier account code Supplier account details at 1st October 2020
JTR Cleaning Supplies 4 Nobel Villas,Waltham Abbey, EN9 1NU JTR002 Opening balance £121.38 Payment terms 30 days.
Super Clean LTD 6 The Mazes, East Street, Braintree,Essex, CM7 3JJ SCL002 Opening balance £982.10 Payment terms 30 days.
The Specialists Winter Stoke Road, Bristol, BS3 2NS TSP004 Opening balance £370.00 Payment terms 30 days.

Refer to the nominal ledger listings below.

Set up nominal ledger records for each account, entering the opening balances as at the 1st October 2020. You may need to amend, select, or create appropriate nominal ledger codes.

Create a trial balance to check the accuracy of your work and correct any errors. You do not need to save or print this report.

List of nominal ledgers as of 1 October 2020

Account names Debit balance £ Credit balance £
Van £11,000.00
Equipment £3189.00
Bank £1,789.52
Petty cash £300.00
Vat on sales £821.81
Vat on purchases £831.31
Capital £15,500.00
Sales – Retail Shop Cleaning £1,300.00
Sales – Office Cleaning £3084.42
Materials purchased £2310.00
SLCA* £2,759.88
PLCA* £1,473.48

*Note: As you have already entered opening balances for customers and suppliers you will not be required to enter these again.

Task 4

Refer to the summary of sales transactions below. Please process the invoices and credit notes into the system. Select appropriate nominal ledger codes for each transaction.

Date Customer Details Net Vat Gross
05/10/2020 BB002 Invoice 512 for cleaning of office units £150.00 £30.00 £180.00
21/10/2020 P24003 Invoice 513 cleaning of retail units £127.00 £25.40 £152.40
09/10/2020 BB002 Credit note number 91 for missed office unit cleaning during the last visit £52.00 £10.40 £62.40

Refer to the following summary of purchase transactions below. Please process the invoices and credit notes for purchases made. Select appropriate nominal ledger codes for each transaction.

Date Suppliers Details Net Vat Gross
13/10/2020 JTR Cleaning Supplies Invoice number 421 for materials purchased  






25/10/2020 The Specialists Invoice number 321 for new ladders purchased for ongoing use  









15/10/2020 Super Clean Ltd Credit note CRN201 for materials purchased  






Task 6

  1. Payments were received, as listed in the table below. Please allocate the details to the relevant customer accounts in line with the instructions in the detail’s
  2. As no payments were received from Harris Accounting Services, please produce, and print a statement that can be sent to them to show the amounts
Date Receipt type Customer Amount Details
18/10/2020 BACS Blush Boutique £666.56 Opening balance paid including credit note number 91
21/10/2020 BACS Petworth 24 £1000.00 Payment on account

Please enter the following payments to suppliers on the system and allocate the payments to the relevant supplier accounts.

Ensure that you produce a remittance for each payment.

Date Payment type Customer Amount Details
29/10/2020 Cheque No 001237 JTR Cleaning Supplies £121.38 Opening balance paid
30/10/2020 Cheque No 001238 Super Clean Ltd £949.70 Opening balance, including credit note CRN201

Task 8

Refer to the following cash sales listing, enter the transaction into the computer

Date Payment method Details Amount
16th October 2020 Cheque Cash sale from retail outlet window clean £175.00 plus VAT


You receive a call from Zamira who informs you that he has taken £280.00 from the bank account on 17th October using his Debit card. This money is for his personal use and he would like you to record the payment in the bank account and corresponding ledger. Please process this payment.

Task 9

Refer to the standing order schedule shown below

Details Amount Frequency of payment Total number of payments Payment start date Payment end date
Advertising brochures (VAT exempt) £145.00 One payment every month 12 25th October 2020 25th September 2021
  • Set up a recurring entry including the first payment processed
  • Produce a screen shot of setting up the recurring entry

Refer to the following petty cash vouchers for payments made, process these ensuring you allocate them to appropriate nominal ledger accounts.

Date Voucher number

Purchase of Office Stationery

Gross £86.12
Vat £14.35
Net £71.77
Date Voucher number

Taxi to new customer meeting

Gross £25.00
Vat £0.00
Net £25.00


 To ensure the petty cash account is maintained at the correct level of £300.00, transfer £131.12 from the bank to petty cash to restore the account as of 22nd October.

Refer to the following Journal entry and process accordingly

Journal entry 28/10/20 £ £
Capital £120.00   


Being an error in the opening balance

Refer to the Bank Statement below.

  1. Enter the Bank Interest Received £41.50 (No VAT) which has not been accounted
  2. Reconcile the bank account. If the bank statement does not reconcile, check your work, and make the necessary

 You do not need to print a bank reconciliation statement.

Great Yarmouth Bank 415 The High Street Norfolk 

NR21 7UG

Complete Cleaning Solution Services 48 Church road 

Great Yarmouth Norfolk

NR31 6ED.

Statement Number 38 31 October 2020
Date Details Paid out Paid in Balance
01/10/2020 Opening balance £1,789.52 C
16/10/2020 Deposit of cash £210.00 £1,999.52 C
17/10/2020 Withdrawal £280.00 £1,719.52 C
18/10/2020 BACS Blush Boutique £666.56 £2,386.08 C
21/10/2020 Petworth 24 £1000.00 £3,386.08 C
22/10/2020 Bank transfer £131.12 £3,254.96 C
25/10/2020 Standing order £145.00 £3,109.96 C
31/10/2020 Bank interest received £41.50 £3,151.46C
D = Debit C = Credit

Print the following reports:

  • a customer activity report
  • a purchase return daybook
  • an aged creditor report
  • a trial balance as of 31st October
  • a full audit trail including full details of all transactions, including details of receipts/payments allocated to all items in customer/supplier accounts and details of bank-reconciled items
  • the materials purchased account in the nominal ledger showing all transactions. 

Task 14

  1. Select the appropriate option within the software to enter or change a password. Produce a screenshot of this tool which shows where the password can be done not enter a password on your work
  2. Create a back-up of your data using a suitable storage medium on which to save the back-up. Ensure you take a screenshot of the location of this back-up. Ensure you label the back-up with your name and the company.

Before you finish your work use the checklist below to ensure you have all the correct reports saved.

Checklist documents and reports Task When printed
Customer statement 6
Remittance 7
Screenshot of recurring transaction 9
Customer activity 13
Purchase returns daybook 13
Aged creditors 13
Trial balance 13
Audit trail 13
Material purchased account in Nominal 13
Screenshot of password and back- up 14

Task 1 

You are required to develop a Personal Development Plan (PDP) for the next 6 months. Illustrate how you aim to acquire new knowledge and skills to enhance your career prospect.

Task 2 

You are required to:

  • Reflect on your learning experience and
  • Conduct secondary research on other uses of SAGE

Task 3 

You are required to do research on how does technology impact accounting.


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