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A great way to select the project is to look back through your study and select one of your favourite subjects to expand upon. However, you must select a topic that has a research problem, this means you need to find and explain what a potential gap is in our industry. (e.g. we largely use concrete in construction which is not an environmentally friendly material, is there potential to utilise other materials or make it environmentally friendly?). The project area should al

Project Brief Outline
Weight: 15% Due Date: 20/03/2020 (Week 3, Friday at 23:59)
Length: 400 words Submission: Online electronic submission though Turnitin (No hardcopy required)
Individual students are required to select a project and research problem. The selected project area can be any topic within construction and could include but is not limited to:
• Work health and safety on the construction site
• Quality control management for buildings
• Sustainable management
• Sustainable materials
• Life-cycle cost analysis
A great way to select the project is to look back through your study and select one of your favourite subjects to expand upon. However, you must select a topic that has a research problem, this means you need to find and explain what a potential gap is in our industry. (e.g. we largely use concrete in construction which is not an environmentally friendly material, is there potential to utilise other materials or make it environmentally friendly?). The project area should also have enough research to support 50 peer-reviewed articles as you will be continuing with this topic for your final thesis report.
The structure of the assignment should utilise the following headings:
• Topic: This should be a one line stating your research problem.
• Background: Have a small description of the topic selected.
• Project Objective: You should offer an explanation into why this problem needs to be solved and what the goal is.
• Why this Project?: Explain the benefits of solving the problem, there should be something to gain from fixing a research problem.
• Initial Findings: There should be researchers working on solutions, you need to explain the solutions that are currently being investigated.
• Predicted Findings: You will not have a complete investigation of the selected project but should include the possible success of solutions if implemented.
• Implications to Industry: How will the solution affect the industry, this should include advantages and disadvantages.
• Conclusion: A one sentence wrap up of the project brief.
References and in-text citations are required for the report (at least one or two) and must be in Harvard WesternSydU style. It is important to be in the correct style, you should always reference correctly, do not lose marks when you have great content. A guide for Harvard WesternSydU can be found at:

Project Brief Marking Criteria:
Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Unsatisfactory
Background (10%) Excellent understanding shown for the background of the research that is succinct and free from errors. Well-presented and correct understanding for the background of the research area. Can be more concise. Good understanding of background. Needs to be more succinct. Background has minor errors. Acceptable background with some
understanding shown; some minor to major errors. Poor or incorrect background. Major errors.
Project Objective (15%) Excellent explanation of research problem that requires solving. Succinct and free from errors. Well-presented explanation of research problem that requires solving. Good explanation of research problems. Longwinded; contains minor errors Acceptable explanation of research problems; some minor to major errors. Poor or incorrect project objective. Major errors or mistakes.
Explanation for selected project
(25%) Excellent selection of research project. Benefits for the solution of the problem are explained. Succinct and free from errors. Great selection of research project. Benefits for the solution of the problem are explained. Good selection of research project. Good explanation of problems. Contains minor errors. Acceptable selection of research project. Good explanation of problems; some minor to major errors. Poor or incorrect explanation for selection of project. Major errors or mistakes.
Findings (10%) Excellent identification of findings. Initial and predictive findings are outlined. Succinct and free from errors. Great identification of findings. Initial and predictive findings are outlined. Identification of initial and predictive findings.
Contains minor errors. Acceptable of initial and predictive findings; some minor to major errors. Poor or incorrect identification of findings. Major errors or mistakes.
Implications to Industry (15%) Excellent identification of implications to industry. Succinct and free from errors. Great identification of implications to industry. Identification of implications on industry.
Contains minor errors. Acceptable
identification of implications on industry; some minor to major errors. Poor or incorrect identification of implication to industry. Major errors or mistakes.
Presentation and Referencing (25%) Professional presentation.
References in Harvard WSU style with in-text citations. Free from errors. Professional presentation.
References in Harvard WSU style with in-text citations. One or two minor errors. Good presentation.
References in Harvard WSU; some minor errors. Satisfactory presentation.
References in Harvard WSU; some major to minor errors.
Poor or incorrect presentation. Incorrect referencing; major errors and mistakes.


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