A. Rationale: Make a statement of relevance in which you identify why this resource may be useful for your school/learning organization.
This resource is of relevance to my organization because ….
B. Provide an overview of the resource.
What is the focus and rationale of the resource?
Who is/are the target group/s?
What is in the resource? (i.e. Structure and components, topic areas addressed, support materials provided)
C. Identify risk and protective factors the resource targets; then critically appraise how the resource addresses these risk &/or protective factors supported by the literature. (Aim to identify 3 – 4 key risk and protective factors.)
Draw on your learning from Week 1 of the course and Morrison and Allen (2007)
I have attached the article for this under the email
D. Assess the program:
Use the ‘SAFE’ model to critically appraise:
1. the extent to which the program is consistent with effective programming practice in prevention education.
2. the content and structure of the program for relevance and cultural responsiveness: teaching and learning strategies, key concepts, and topic areas addressed.
Draw on Durlak et al. (2011), Weare & Nind (2011) and your learning from Week 4 to inform your evaluation.
I have attached the article for this under the email
E. Implementation challenges:
Predict which aspects of the program teachers may find most challenging to implement, with reference to research investigating implementation challenges. This can include reflections on your own context.
Draw on Durlak et al. (2011), Weare & Nind (2011) and your learning from Weeks 4 and 5.
Be to hargis
My Topic: Sexuality Education for Victoria Primary Schools