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You have been asked to review the performance against budget of the organisation you work for and make the necessary recommendations based on the current performance for the upcoming 12 month period This scenario requires you to review the performance of an ASX listed company. You can select one of the organ

Course Name FNS60217
Advanced Diploma of Accounting
Subject/module Organisational Improvement
Assessment method Case study/practical
Weighting 50%
Units of Competency FNSACC605
Implement Organisational Improvement Programs
1. Assessments should be completed as per your trainer’s instructions.
2. Assessments must be submitted by the due date to avoid a late submission penalty.
3. Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work and submitting it as your own. You must write your answers in your own words and include a reference list. A mark of zero will be given for any assessment or part of an assessment that has been plagiarised.
4. You may discuss your assessments with other students, but submitting identical answers to other students will result in a failing grade. Your answers must be yours alone.
5. Assessments must be submitted using Google Docs or Google Sheets, as per your trainer’s instructions.
6. You must attempt all questions.
7. You must pass all assessments in order to pass the subject.
8. All assessments are to be completed in accordance with WHS regulatory requirements.
Assessment 2 – Case Study/Practical Implement organisational improvement programs
Scenario 1:
You have been asked to review the performance against budget of the organisation you work for and make the necessary recommendations based on the current performance for the upcoming 12 month period
This scenario requires you to review the performance of an ASX listed company. You can select one of the organisations list below:
f SKILLED Group ? Qantas ? Woolworths ? Toll Group
Research the organisation you have selected and save and print the financial documents for the organisation. You will need to access:
f The Budget, Profit and Loss, Cash Flow ? Business Objectives ? Key Performance Indicator and the Business Plan ? Financial Policy ? Budget Policy ? Directors Report ? Independent Auditors Report
1. Review the variations in projected organisational outcomes including:
a. Financial
b. Budget
c. Policy changes
d. Business’s Objectives
e. Key Performance Indicators
f. Discuss whether the goals of the organisation are being met
2. Review the following and discuss whether the goals of these documents are being met:
a. Financial
b. Budget Policy
c. Business Objectives
d. Key Performance Indicators
3. Using standard financial analysis, review the trends in performance for the past three years and comment on any changes you have identified.
4. Review the organisations non-current liabilities
a. Has this increased/decreased over time
b. Examine any alternative finance options that could be used to manage debt reduction in your chosen company.
5. Based on the information you have gathered on this organisation undertake a SWOT analysis. From this evaluation, recommend improvements to the overall financial processes in the organisation. Identify from the financial reports if the company has been impacted by environment factors? Consider the following whilst undertaking the SWOT analysis. a. The organisations attitude to risk
b. Debt to equity ratio
c. Decision making authorities
d. Budget creation
e. Market profile
f. Resource Management
g. Information technology requirements
Print all documents you have used to prepare your reports and ensure you reference any information in your portfolio of evidence.


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