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In this assignment, you need to describe a market of your choice and several companies within that sector. The market position of those companies needs to be explored so that you can explain Porter’s five competitive forces in that market. This is followed by a closer look at one of the companies with a detailed SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) ana

In this assignment, you need to describe a market of your choice and several companies within that sector. The market position of those companies needs to be explored so that you can explain Porter’s five competitive forces in that market. This is followed by a closer look at one of the companies with a detailed SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis. Next, you will explain the company’s core process of value creation well before recommending a change to the company. Finally, you will propose a new business in the same industry.
Weight: 25%
Length: 1200 – 2000 words
Type: Individual
Submission: Online via Turnitin (inside Assessment folder)
Late Submission: 10% per day
Due: 11:59 PM, Friday, 19th March 2021
University of Technology Sydney
Tasks for Assignment 1 and Marking
Tasks for Assignment 1
Tasks Description Word limit / Guideline Marks
1 Indicate an existing market of your choice and describe clearly what that market entails. 50 – 100 words 2
2 Search for existing companies in the market (up to 3, including both new and matured/publicly-traded ones) and compare their market positions. 200 – 300 words 5
3 Explain Porter’s five forces in the chosen market. Give some examples related to the companies mentioned above. 300 – 500 words 5
4 Choose your favourite of the three companies you have mentioned above. Conduct a SWOT analysis for the company. 200 – 300 words 4
5 Explain the core process of value creation by the company in the chosen market. (Outline the steps to show what happens in that business unit and create a suitable diagram of your own to illustrate the processes) 200 – 400 words 6
6 Recommend a change to the company. This could be an improvement of their existing processes or the creation of a new business unit. 50 – 100 words 1
7 Propose a new business (product or service) in the same industry. Include a brief problem definition
(encountered by customers) or other justification for your new business. 100 – 200 words 2
Note: Tables and diagrams or pictures are not counted towards the word limit.
UTS Marking Schema
HD Work of outstanding quality on all objectives
D Work of superior quality on all objectives
C Work of good quality showing more than satisfactory achievement on all objectives
P Work showing a satisfactory achievement on all objectives
X Work showing an unsatisfactory achievement on one or more objectives
University of Technology Sydney


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