As we begin our reading of “Severance,” by Ling Ma, complete pages 1-130 and discuss the following: I. What features of being define Candace Chen as Other and in light of Rene Descartes words, the Cartesian dictim, Cogito Ergo Sum, in the French, “Je pense, donc je suis,”— I think therefore I am—how does Candace define herself before and after the start of the fever: II. What are the symptoms of Shen Fever. How did it begin and would you consider it the Dominant Power? How does the sickness effect time and memory and in what ways do these elements shape Candace’s idea of herself. How is this character similar to Kafka’s Gregor Samsa: III. Chapter 10 ends tragically. What happens in this chapter and what DOMINANT and OPPRESSIVE POWER is the cause of the events that unfold and the fate that meets Janelle and Ashley: