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Human Egocentricity & Critical Thinking Essay As you’ve come to learn, egocentrism is one of many limitations to critical thinking! Egocentrism is a concept coined by Jean Piaget while exploring the stages of cognitive development in children. Essentially, it refers to the subconscious thinking functions of our minds that we deny we have. For example, no one says “I think I will think egocentrically for a while”. smile Its

Human Egocentricity & Critical Thinking Essay As you’ve come to learn, egocentrism is one of many limitations to critical thinking! Egocentrism is a concept coined by Jean Piaget while exploring the stages of cognitive development in children. Essentially, it refers to the subconscious thinking functions of our minds that we deny we have. For example, no one says “I think I will think egocentrically for a while”. smile Its ultimate goals are gratification and self-validation. It does not respect the rights and needs of others, though it may be protective of those with whom it ego-identifies. Human Egocentricity & Critical Thinking Essay View Mr. Feisal Abdul Rauf in this Ted Talk, as he discusses the impact of our egos and how it can, unfortunately, limit us. As it relates to critical thinking, what has been your personal experience with Egocentrism? Specifically, think of a time when your desire to selfishly get what you want failed because of your egocentric thinking. Human Egocentricity & Critical Thinking Essay How then did this impact your ability to critically think? To make it interesting, try exploring an experience in your particular field of study. Complete these statements: The situation was as follows… When I didn’t get what I wanted, I thought…and behaved… A more rational way to think would have been… A more rational way to act would have been…


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