Assignment Brief:
You are required to recommend additional control measures for five hazards identified. prioritizing those with higher risk or severity. Upstream risk-controlled is preferred i.e. these additional controls should be from elimination, substitution, or engineering control types.
Description Marks Allotted
- Workplace safety and health culture and recommendations for improvement
- Conduct of risk assessment for operation/work process
- Conduct of in-depth risk assessment
- Identification of upstream risk controls
- Report organization and referencing
This is an individual assignment focussing on risk management at your workplace or a simulated workplace.
Scope of the Assignment
1. Provide a brief introduction about your company, the type of industry you are in, and the products manufactured or services provided.
2. Describe the workplace safety and health culture in your company and the maturity level of the culture. You may use the CultureSAFE Maturity index as a reference. Provide supporting reasons why you consider the culture to be such.
3. Provide at least FIVE (5) recommendations on how you can further improve the workplace safety and health culture in your company.
4. Select a work process at your workplace e.g. servicing of air conditioning unit, welding/grinding of metal surfaces, testing of gas samples, or entry into confined spaces.
5. Conduct the risk assessment for the work process selected. You are expected to breakdown the work process into activities, show the severity rating, likelihood rating, and risk matrices used for your risk assessment. You may use the risk assessment template found in the Code of Practice on Risk Management by the Workplace Safety and Health Council.
6. For the risk assessment, you are expected to identify at least FIVE (5) different applicable workplace safety and health hazards for the work process. For physical hazards, each different type of physical hazard will be considered as a separate hazard type.
- Physical hazards (e.g. noise, temperatures, pressure, or radiation)
- Mechanical hazards (e.g. in-running nip points, contact with the sharp surface or shearing)
- Electrical hazards (e.g. contact with electric currents or static electricity)
- Chemical hazards (e.g. corrosive, toxic chemicals, dust exposure or insufficient oxygen)
- Ergonomic hazards (e.g. manual handling, awkward posture or repetitive motion)
- Biological hazards (e.g. exposure to bacteria, virus, fungi, animals or plants)
- Fire hazards (e.g. fire and explosion from flammable chemicals or combustible dust)
- Psychosocial hazards (e.g. aging, fatigue, or stress)
7. Based on the hazards identified, select ONE (1) hazard to conduct a more in-depth risk assessment for the operation/work process selected. This may be one of the following:
- Physical risk assessment
- Chemical risk assessment
- Fire risk assessment
- Mechanical risk assessment
- Ergonomics risk assessment
- Psychosocial risk assessment