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Assignment Context & Scope Task: You are a group of early-career business professionals and you have been asked to present a poster at the Annual Conference for the company* you are employed by The Conference Poster will be a visual presentation that will provide a comprehensive analysis of the company* and will include the following: 1. An analysis of the Macro and Micro Business Environment. 2. A stakehol

Assignment Details and Instructions.

Academic background; Business Environment and Stakeholder Theory
In a business organization, everything that surrounds the business is the environment. There are certain external and internal forces that are outside the control of the business that can affect the business directly or indirectly. The combination of these internal and external factors can influence a company’s operating situation. The business environment can include factors such as clients and suppliers; its competition and owners; improvements in technology; laws and government activities; and market, social and economic trends.

According to the Chartered Management Institute (2016) in the past, companies have predominantly been managed with an eye to the financial returns for shareholders. This approach is still common, but an exclusive focus on maximizing shareholder returns, first adopted by Milton Freidman in the early 1970s, has come under increasing criticism for business as well as social reasons. Stakeholder theory, or Businesses adopting a stakeholder perspective, is an alternative way of understanding how companies and people create value and trade with each other (Freeman, 2018). The argument being, that the interests of all stakeholders, not just those with a financial stake in the business, should be taken into consideration.

Assignment Context & Scope Task:

You are a group of early-career business professionals and you have been asked to present a poster at the Annual Conference for the company* you are employed by
The Conference Poster will be a visual presentation that will provide a comprehensive analysis of the company* and will include the following:

1. An analysis of the Macro and Micro Business Environment.

2. A stakeholder analysis mapping.

3. An analysis of the current organizational structure and culture.

4. An analysis of the current Leadership styles of the organization.
Task Specification Working in your groups, you will present back your findings on your chosen company.

  • The conference poster will be digitally presented via a recorded MS Teams meeting video
  • Using the visual of your conference poster you will discuss your analysis of your company in a 20-minute group video via MS Teams meeting video

Note; Timings of the video: 15 minutes discussion on your conference poster research AND 5 minutes at the end of your video reflecting on how you worked as a team on the group work activity.


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