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Group Project Guidelines 1. Choose any UM-based company. 2. Critically review its current business operations and identify any problem it might face currently. 3. Suggest a technological solution for that problem that can be either a tool or web-based platform including information s

Group Project Guidelines

1. Choose any UM-based company.

2. Critically review its current business operations and identify any problem it might face currently.

3. Suggest a technological solution for that problem that can be either a tool or web-based platform including information system or software.

4. You have to follow the below structure for your report:

  • Cover Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Abstract Introduction (mention the importance of IS/IT in today’s world) Company Background (its current business operations, what kind of current Information Communication Technologies/ICT it is using and BOGs) Draw the diagram of MIS dimensions (closely linked to your case company)
  • Description of the Problem (you may consider COVID-19 challenges)
  • Solution (technology, tool, software etc.)
  • Justification (how new Information System will really solve the problem)
  • Conclusion


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