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Question 1 Using your own neighborhood, imagine you are the neighborhood representative for the Ministry of National Development. Now that the immediate COVID crisis is being addressed, the Ministry is making plans for enhancing “resilience” in every neighborhood in Singapore.

Question 1

Using your own neighborhood, imagine you are the neighborhood representative for the Ministry of National Development. Now that the immediate COVID crisis is being addressed, the Ministry is making plans for enhancing “resilience” in every neighborhood in Singapore.


As the neighborhood representative, you have the duty to assess the situation in your community and write a policy memo with your recommendations to the Ministry. You need to explain how your neighborhood is faring, analyze areas of strength and weakness, and develop proposals for further supporting your area’s resilience.

What is a policy memo? A policy memo is addressed to a specific audience, institution, or individual. In this case, it should be addressed to the Minister of National Development. The memo should provide an analysis of the situation and specific recommendations for dealing with issues/challenges. For this assignment, you should address place-making, sustainability, fair practice, inclusivity, and/or governance in your recommendations. Effective memos are focused, well-organized, and succinct.

  • In the introduction, provide relevant background context and identify important socio-cultural and economic aspects of your neighborhood.
  • Discuss relevant quantitative data (such as statistics, demographics) and/or qualitative data (such as quotes from accessible interviews) in substantiating your position.
  • Analyze how members of your community including individuals, groups, and/or businesses faced challenges posed by the COVID-19 Circuit Breaker and the imposition of social distancing measures in 2020.
  • Referring to concepts in the Study Guide, develop thoughtful and creative proposals to continue supporting strengths in your neighborhood while also addressing weaknesses/challenges to increase neighborhood resilience in the case of future pandemic emergencies.
  • For this report, you need to demonstrate that all the information you use is based on reliable sources. All references should be properly cited and in APA style.


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