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TASK For this assignment, you need to: Prepare an outline for your essay (must be submitted before the essay – in one document as the essay). Write an essay and discuss the issue(s) related to the above topic and give reasons for your suggestions/opinions.


According to a report from The World Bank, Malaysia Economic Monitor, June 2015 – Transforming Urban Transport, working-class Malaysians are estimated to waste about 1 million wasted hours annually, stuck in traffic congestions per day. Traffic jams are quite a synonym to big cities around the world too. Not only that, but traffic congestions also contribute to pollution issues. It is like a two-in-one issue altogether!

There is a debate that the most effective way to solve the current traffic and pollution problems in big cities is by encouraging people to move from the city center to the suburbs or countryside.

Will this solution work in Malaysia? What is your view on this?


For this assignment, you need to:

  1. Prepare an outline for your essay (must be submitted before the essay – in one document as the essay).
  2. Write an essay and discuss the issue(s) related to the above topic and give reasons for your suggestions/opinions.


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