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1. Learning Objectives This is an individual assignment report involving the review of DevOps and project management literature and aims to help students build research, critical reading, thinking, and writing skills; these skills are collectively regarded as employability skills and they are intended to help achieve the following Unit Learning

Faculty of Information Technology
Semester 1, 2021
FIT5057 – Project Management
Assignment 1B:
Individual Critical Literature Analysis Report (15%)

Hands-on learning on how to research, critically read, think and write a
literature analysis report.


1. Learning Objectives
This is an individual assignment report involving the review of DevOps and project management
literature and aims to help students build research, critical reading, thinking, and writing skills; these
skills are collectively regarded as employability skills and they are intended to help achieve the
following Unit Learning Outcomes and meet AQF-9’s criteria for critical skills development.
Unit Learning Outcomes Applicable? Explanation
1. Analyse and evaluate the role of the
modern project manager in the
context of IT projects
X Modern project managers are
required to research and apply
critical thinking skills to solve
their problem problems.
Additionally, they are eloquent
in communicate their thoughts
and use problem-solving logic in
their project reports
2. Interpret and critique a variety of
project management methodologies
offered by various professional bodies
including that provided by the Project
Management Body of Knowledge
X Here project managers are
required to understand a breath
of knowledge areas and need to
be aware of the inherent
organisational risks when
dealing with software projects
and need to be able to integrate
a number of knowledge areas
such as scope, procurement and
risk when in the design phase of
the software.
3. Describe and apply the available
strategies, techniques and decision
tools used by project managers to
manage modern IT projects based on
PMBOK methodology.
X Here the main skills that is
emphasised are critical reading,
thinking and writing skills which
project managers require to
move from the problem phase
to the solution phase.

Table 1: Project Management Unit Learning Outcomes


2. Instructions
You are given the following 4 articles to read with a critical eye:
1. A Capgemini’s whitepaper, titled “DevOps – The Future of Application Lifecycle

2. An IT professional magazine’s article, title “Understanding the Complementary
Relationship Between Enterprise Architecture & Project Management”

3. A journal, titled “Connecting Enterprise Architecture and Project Portfolio
Management: A Review and a Model for IT Project Alignment”

4. An IT research community of practice website’s blog-article, titled “Cybersecurity &
Project Management – Why Cybersecurity Is Becoming Paramount In Project
Management Irrespective Of Agile Or Waterfall”.

Using these information resources, explain:
1. What are the implications of DevOp practices on IT project management work?
2. How do Enterprise Architecture practices infringe on IT project management
3. Why is Cybersecurity becoming a new knowledge area of project management?
In your answers, you must firstly explain succinctly what is meant by DevOp, Enterprise
Architecture, Cybersecurity and Project Management.

You are required to write a literature review report that presents your answers to the above
3 inquiry questions. We recommend the following reporting structure for your writing:
Executive Summary of ½ page of lesser, highlighting the key findings of your full
Report1, structured in the following manner:

1. Introduction: explaining the purpose and topical scope of your report

2. Definitions of DevOp, Enterprise Architecture, Cybersecurity and Project

3. The Relationships between DevOps and Project Management
4. The Implications of Enterprise Architecture in Project Management
5. The Importance of Cybersecurity in Project Management

6. Conclusion: summarising the interactions of DevOps, EA and Cybersecurity in
Project Management.
APA Reference List

1 A report has headings, whereas an essay has no headings.

In addition to these 4 given articles, you need to select at least 6 more to support your
thinking and provide strong literature evidence for your answers.
The completed literature analysis report, needs to be no more than 7 pages, including executive
summary and references, assuming you are using single line font size 12 (if you are using double line
font size 12, then max is 12 pages) . Cover page is excluded.
Good Turnitin scores should be in the vicinity of 1 to 10, average ones about between 11 and 20.


Rubrics Marking Scheme
Introduction: Weighting
Explains the purpose and topical scope of your report;
and there is a link of the purpose to the conclusion
Definitions of DevOp, Enterprise Architecture, Cybersecurity
and Project Management

DevOps 2.5%
EA 2.5%
Cybersecurity 2.5%
PM 2.5%
The Relationships between DevOps and PM

a) Elements of the definitions and other research findings
are used to frame & justify the relationship model
b) Relationship model is clearly and analytically explained
with cited references

The Implications of Enterprise Architecture in PM
a) Elements of the definitions and other research
findings are used to frame & justify the relationship
b) Relationship model is clearly and analytically
explained with cited references

The Importance of Cybersecurity in PM

a) Elements of the definitions and other research
findings are used to frame & justify the relationship
b) Relationship model is clearly and analytically
explained with cited references


a) Summarises the interactions of DevOps, EA and
Cybersecurity in Project Management, preferably in a clear
visual diagram
b) Explain why these integrations are important to a project


Syntax – Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling; Semantics –
paragraph constructs and linkages, writing organisation structures
(headings), language contextualisation


APA Compliant 2.0%
At least 2 new citations beyond given articles 3.0%
Citation appropriately inserted in sentence or paragraph 5.0%

You must read the 4 papers and summarise their main ideas, say each paper summarised in one
paper or lesser.
1. How do you read effectively ?
a. Monash’s list of effective reading techniques – https://www.monash.edu/rlo/study-
b. https://flexiblelearning.auckland.ac.nz/reading-effectively/13_2.html

2. How do you read critically?

3. How do you read difficult papers?
Use APA standard to cite and list your references – https://guides.lib.monash.edu/citing-
referencing/apa . Whichever proprietary version you use (e.g. Monash APA, Microsoft APA
Reference Style, One Note, etc), make sure you follow the chosen proprietary version’s citation and
reference-listing formats.
Some tips on where to focus your literature research:
Apply the CRAP analysis on the 4 given
articles. Using information from the
article/s with the lowest score should be
supported with more additional
When you search for other articles, also
apply this CRAP test to find high quality
references and avoid uncredible ones.

How to write for assignments?
How to write Body Paragraphs?

How to write an essay? (these essay writing techniques can still apply to report writing)

Using Bloom’s Taxonomy framework, there are
6 techniques of critical thinking:
1. You remember what you are reading or
have read.
2. You understand what you read.

3. You analyse what you read, ie break into
parts the key ideas or concepts or claims
that make up your answers to the 3 inquiry
4. You research and evaluate the parts. Ie
decide how relevant are they to answer
the 3 inquiry Qs.

5. You apply the parts and research evidence to synthesis your answers.

Colour Legend: Showing where literacy techniques integrate with critical thinking processes.
Apply reading techniques
Use notes taking and visualisation techniques
Apply writing and proof-reading techniques


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