Background and Objectives:
Asia Pacific is one of Check Point’s 3 main sales regions. This region generates a substantial part of Check Point’s revenues and includes less than 100 employees. As part of our annual regional review we analyze all operational aspects in each region in order to have a solid base for the company’s AOP (Annual Operating Plan) for the following year. The goals of this exercise are:
- Analyze the different aspects of the operations in APAC.
- Prepare a presentation of the analysis, recommendations, action items and measurement tools for next year to the senior management.
The Exercise:
- Please analyze sales, IT spend, expenses and headcount per region. This part of the analysis will be presented in excel tables and charts.
- Define 2-3 key measurements for regional efficiency and show a table and a chart illustrating them.
- Please prepare a short presentation (between 3-8 slides) to the management which includes:
- Overview of your findings.
- Your assessment of the business.
- Your recommendations.
- Action items
- Measurements and monitoring tools
- Please specify what additional information you think can be provided in order to improve the analysis.