The effectiveness of information security programs
1. Firstly, evaluate the effectiveness of information security programs and assess matrices that could be used to measure the effectiveness. 2. Secondly, critically discuss the threats to the security of information systems and appraise the countermeasures which may be employed to combat these threats. 3. Thirdly, critically discuss the purpose and requirements of a storage hierarchy within a computerized information system discussing the performance of the individual elements in the hierarchy. 4. Fourthly, evaluate the professional strategies associated with data management in the Information Systems environment. 5. Additionally, critically evaluate the relative strengths and weaknesses of asymmetric and symmetric encryption systems and their application to on-line commercial transactions.
6. Also, evaluate the professional case for making freedom of information transparent. 7. Discuss the need for disaster recovery policies and critically evaluate approaches which may be used in commercial and also government organisations. 8. Critique the employment of ethical hacking as a way of reviewing and strengthening the security of information systems. 9. Assess the case for establishing a benchmark for information security management using ISO/IEC 27001or equivalent. 10. Considering the current information security assurance approaches/methods, critique the statement “Technology is not enough for Information Security”.
11. Critically discuss the need for an information security audit in an organization. 12. Further, discuss the role of digital forensic in solving cyber-crimes. 13. Discuss changing information security and also document management practices in the cloud computing era. 14. Subsequently, critically evaluate the relative strengths and weaknesses of information security risk management frameworks. 15. Lastly, discuss changing information security management practices associated with BYOD policies. 16. Finally, examine the increasing role played by information security governance in modern enterprises.