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ISSUE: Bullying Word Count: 2500 Words ONLY USE THIS 6 References for the Assignment. I have Attached each Reference in PDF file.

ISSUE: Bullying Word Count: 2500 Words
ONLY USE THIS 6 References for the Assignment.
I have Attached each Reference in PDF file.
Majority Refence should be used for Question (6,7,8, 9)
1. Cross, D., & Barnes, A. (2015). Protecting and promoting young people’s social and emotional health in online and offline contexts. In Wyn, J, Cahill, H. (Eds) Handbook of Children and Youth Studies. (pp.115-126). DOI: 10.1007/987-981-4451-15-4_14.
2. Dake, J. A., Price, J. H., & Telljohan, S. K. (2003). The Nature and Extent of Bullying at School. Journal of School Health, 73(5), 173–180.
3. Espelage, D. L., Polanin, J. R., & Low, S. R. (2014). Teacher and staff perceptions of school environment as predictors of student aggressions, victimization and willingness to intervene in bullying situations. School Psychology Quarterly, 29(3), 287-305.
4. Price, M, & Dalgleish, J. (2010). Cyberbullying: Experiences, impacts and coping strategies as described by Australian young people. Youth Studies Australia 29(2), 51-19.
5. Rigby, K., & Smith, P.K. (2011). Is school bullying really on the rise? Social Psychology of Education 14(4), 441-455.
6. Ttofi, M. M., Farrington, D. P. (2011). Effectiveness of school-based programs to reduce bullying: a systematic and meta-analytic review. Journal of Experimental Criminology 7(1), 27-56. DOI 10.1007/s11292-010-9109-1.
Content Word Length
Introduction: Read all 6 articles and answer the following question. Each article needs to be explained.
1. Describe the main focus of the papers. identifying the wellbeing issue under discussion.
2. Provide an overview of the papers.
Discussion: The issue
Read 6 references and find 3-4 big issues.
3. Introduce data, which identifies the prevalence and impact of the wellbeing issue.
4. Examine the issue, in context of your school.
5. Describe how this issue manifests in your context drawing on your observational or hard data. Note how your local data aligns with broader research.
Discussion: Evidence-informed responses (USE 4-45Reference from the Reference List)
6. Discuss what can be learned from research conducted into prevention whole school approaches to this issue in similar settings. Use Reference 6 here,
7. Discuss what can be learned from the evidence-base regarding a whole of organisation approach to promoting wellbeing in relation to this or similar wellbeing issues.
8. Find a prevention program to help.
9. Include 4rs (reporting, relating, reasoning and reconstructing)
Discussion: Implications for organizational response (use 3-4 reference from the given 6 reference list)
10. Discuss the implications for the organisation considering the research and propose?evidence-informed recommendations.
11. Summarise your ideas. 200


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