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my research topic is about Child abuse (mental effect in forming relationships; put in foster homes) This essay is the same as the problem essay you already wrote. Now, you are adding research to the body paragraphs. This will be three to four lines of DIRECT QUOTES in the MIDDLE of each body paragraphs. in addition, you will provide a works cited pag

Please think about a current social problem and two negative effects.

my research topic is about Child abuse (mental effect in forming relationships; put in foster homes)

This essay is the same as the problem essay you already wrote. Now, you are adding research to the body paragraphs. This will be three to four lines of DIRECT QUOTES  in the MIDDLE of each body paragraphs. in addition, you will provide a works cited page.

If you missed the class lectures, these may be found, along with the sample essay, in another link,

There are various ways to do this, but please follow the  instructions I gave you for this class.

attached word document via Turnitin

So, here are the steps:

1. fix any errors on the drafts that were returned to you.

2. Select two  articles. You may only use Academic Search Premier, Proquest, CQ Researcher, or Opposing Viewpoints. If you essay contains anything other than these, it will not be read. PLEASE USE ONLY THESE SEARCHES

3. Conduct two searches–one for each supporting paragraph. Incorporate 3-4 lines into the middle of each body paragraph. You must use MLA citation format for both the works cited page and the in-text citations.

4. Provide a works cited page.


There are no rough drafts for the research paper since I have looked at the problem essays at least twice. However, I will be happy to help you with the research component.

Please keep in mind that your essay will  NOT be read or graded if (no exceptions):

1. you do not use MLA guidelines and incorporate the quotes as I showed you in class.

2. you do not use the required databases.

3. you do not provide a works cited page.

Please see me with any questions.


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