- Critically appraise the peer-reviewed scientific literature to identify a current research requirement.
- Design a scientific experiment to achieve the scientific goal identified in (1). Both Scientific and ethical issues must be considered.
What am I required to do in this assignment?
In this assignment you will produce a 3000 word Business Proposal and record the development of this proposal in an eportfolio.In completing this referral, students must pay careful attention to feedback they received on any earlier submission, especially that concerning the use of others’ text and plagiarism. Students must also ensure that all sections of the report are completed. If any aspect of previous feedback is unclear, students are encouraged to seek guidance from their academic supervisor.
- You will develop an idea of your own for a new commercial product or service relevant to your degree course. You will then develop this idea into a proposal with the sections set out below.
- The proposal will consist of the following elements: a justification of the need for your product/service; an explanation of the scientific rationale behind the product/service design; the design of an experiment to test your product/service and an appreciation for ethics, health and safety in the design of the experiment or implementation of the product/service; a reference section. A suggested structure is set out below.
Unit learning outcomes 1. Critically appraise the peer-reviewed scientific literature to identify a current research requirement.
Design a scientific experiment to achieve the scientific goal identified in (1). Both Scientific and ethical issues must be considered.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
- Produce a clear, viable proposal covering scientific and ethical issues for a piece of novel research emphasising a tractable path to its completion.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
Set out below is an example report structure; the exact structure of your report may differ depending on the product/service you develop.
Your introduction should review published scientific/commercial literature and identify a current scientific need for a product or service relevant to your degree course. You should clearly explain the scientific basis behind your idea and work already done in this field. You must cite your sources of information correctly. This introduction should provide the context within which you will develop your product idea.
You should clearly define what your product or service is, and the science underlying it, using diagrams and/or data where appropriate. You need to explain broadly how you would develop your product/service from an initial idea into something you could sell e.g. what equipment/facilities or research might be required. You should also make clear what the expected timescale for commercialising your idea would be and consider how you might find the financial support to fund its development.
You should explain who your likely target market would be. Describe any Market Research

that you could do to assess this market (you are NOT required to carry out the proposed market research!) Explain how you would advertise/promote your product to your target market. This section should also consider what you would charge for your product/service, and how you would make a profit; or how it benefits society as a whole.
You should design a scientific experiment to test one of the following which is appropriate to your product/service: (a) Whether your product works? (b) Is your product better than others competing in the market? (c) How successful is your service/campaign? The exact design of experiment will depend on the nature of your product. It should include technical detail and take statistical analyses into account i.e. sample size and appropriate statistical test.
Ethical, Health and Safety Considerations You must consider any issues that may influence your ability to either test your product/service, or take it to market. This should include reference to any regulatory bodies that may need to be consulted and any legal processes with which you would need to comply. You should discuss any ethical, health and safety or other concerns relevant to your proposal.