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To complete this assessment, you will need to reflect on what you found out through your literature reviews to re-define your project aim, objectives and research questions to design an achievable project, involving the collection of data through appropriate qualitative (e.g. focus groups) and quantitative data (e.g. survey) collection tools. In this phase

To complete this assessment, you will need to reflect on what you found out through your literature reviews to re-define your project aim, objectives and research questions to design an achievable project, involving the collection of data through appropriate qualitative (e.g. focus groups) and quantitative data (e.g. survey) collection tools. In this phase, it is important to consider the limitations and scope of your project. What is achievable regarding data collection in terms of these limitations (e.g. time and what has been specified above? How will you transcribe, enter and organise your data in preparation for analysis? How long will this take?) Your project must: • Be mixed methods in design • Collect and use both qualitative and quantitative data • Use a convenience sample of friends and family (n=10 min) Assignment requirement: Introduction • Include your project aim, objectives and research questions Data Collection and Analysis • Describe your method, including a description and justification of sampling design and the tools you will use to collect data • Describe and justify how you will organise and analyse your data Limitations • Provide a discussion of the known and possible limitations • Be fully referenced. This is important. You should be drawing on the academic literature when describing and justifying your research design


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