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QUESTION 2 a) 1) Current ratio This is the ratio to assess the organization ability to meet its short-term obligations. It’s the ratio of short-term assets to short time liabilities also called the working capital. In this case, current ratio= Current Assets = Current Liabilities Current Assets:                       2017 (RM)                       2018 (2018) Cash

QUESTION 1 Cash management is a broad term that refers to the collection, concentration, and disbursement of cash. The goal is to manage the cash balances of an enterprise in such a way as to maximize the availability of cash not invested in fixed assets or inventories and to do so in such a way … Read more

Cool Eco Bottles is a small-sized company, which sells over 20 different styles of insulated reusable water bottles. The company is 2 years old and has grown sharply over the last year mainly due to the anti-single use of plastic and a sustainable marketing drive. The market response to their product has been tremendous, retail outlets have done very well.

Cool Eco Bottles Cool Eco Bottles  Web-based Order Handling System Cool Eco Bottles is a small-sized company, which sells over 20 different styles of insulated reusable water bottles. The company is 2 years old and has grown sharply over the last year mainly due to the anti-single use of plastic and a sustainable marketing drive. … Read more

New restaurant concepts are emerging rapidly to satisfy the growing demand for diners. These market-driven developments are calling for more people trained in foodservice facilities design. Given this knowledge, students will be pre

Background New restaurant concepts are emerging rapidly to satisfy the growing demand for diners. These market-driven developments are calling for more people trained in foodservice facilities design. Given this knowledge, students will be prepared for careers in food service management armed with the ability to design foodservice facilities. Introduction This is an individual coursework assignment … Read more

Module 7 Discussion: Future Considerations If Law Enforcement is already playing catch up on cases and the Dark Web makes that even more difficult, discuss potential changes that LE will have to make to be able to investigate cases in the future.  Will, it just be technology-based, or

Module 7 Discussion: Future Considerations If Law Enforcement is already playing catch up on cases and the Dark Web makes that even more difficult, discuss potential changes that LE will have to make to be able to investigate cases in the future.  Will, it just be technology-based, or will they need the help of new … Read more

Explain how Regular Expressions can help with this search, where simple keywords are inadequate. Develop a GREP string that will find valid part numbers. Explain the components of your GREP string. Use a GREP

Summary You are given a copy of a computer hard drive in VM dk format and a Mobile Phone Disk image in dd format. You are also given some other relevant files and information. You will have to examine the hard disk and mobile image using a number of different forensic techniques. You may use … Read more

The city of Calgary advertised for tenders for a construction project. One of the terms of the advertisement was that once submitted the bid could not be revoked. Northern Construction submitted the low bid on the job. They then examined their bid and realized they had made an error in their calculations. They showed these document

TORTS & CONTRACTS Assignment  INSTRUCTIONS: Carefully consider the arguments for each side and the likely outcome. Explain in proper essay style what the major issues are in each case, what legal contract principles would be argued for each side, and what a judge would probably ultimately decide. CONTRACTS QUESTIONS The city of Calgary advertised for … Read more

QUESTION 1 Company Creative Solutions has installed a pre-paid electricity meter. They have bought500 electricity units from Checkers for R908. They load the units on the pre-paid electricity meter exactly at 08:00 on the day of installation (See pi

QUESTION 1 Company Creative Solutions has installed a pre-paid electricity meter. They have bought500 electricity units from Checkers for R908. They load the units on the pre-paid electricity meter exactly at 08:00 on the day of installation (See picture). They took the reading every hour from 09:00 till 17:00. They want to determine how many … Read more

Case Study: Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill The petroleum that had leaked from the well [owned and operated by an offshore drilling company Transocean and leased by BP Plc] before it was sealed formed a slick extending over thousands of square miles of the Gulf of Mexico. To clean oil from the open water, 1.8 million gallons of dispersants – substances that emulsified the oil, thus allowing for easier metabolism by bacteria – were pumped directly into the leak and applied aerially to the slick. Booms to co

Case Study: Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill The petroleum that had leaked from the well [owned and operated by an offshore drilling company Transocean and leased by BP Plc] before it was sealed formed a slick extending over thousands of square miles of the Gulf of Mexico. To clean oil from the open water, 1.8 million … Read more

Background: You are working in sales for Automobile Inc., a firm of car distributors, who are thinking of expanding into a new market. You have been asked to investigate the factors which determine vehicle ownership in various Asian countrie

Details of the task Background: You are working in sales for Automobile Inc., a firm of car distributors, who are thinking of expanding into a new market. You have been asked to investigate the factors which determine vehicle ownership in various Asian countries; the most recent data you can find is for 2019 and is … Read more

PREAMBLE The demand for palm oil continues to rise globally.  According to the United States Department of Agriculture, the global annual palm oil production stood at 73 million metric tons in the fiscal year of 2019/20 and it is expected to increase to 77

Fdb 5024 Global Food Management Group Project: The Palm Oil Dilemma CLO 1: Analyse issues in food systems from multiple disciplines and diverse perspectives. CLO 2: Propose strategies to deal with current and emerging issues in food. PREAMBLE The demand for palm oil continues to rise globally.  According to the United States Department of Agriculture, … Read more


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