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my research topic is about Child abuse (mental effect in forming relationships; put in foster homes) This essay is the same as the problem essay you already wrote. Now, you are adding research to the body paragraphs. This will be three to four lines of DIRECT QUOTES in the MIDDLE of each body paragraphs. in addition, you will provide a works cited pag

Please think about a current social problem and two negative effects. my research topic is about Child abuse (mental effect in forming relationships; put in foster homes) This essay is the same as the problem essay you already wrote. Now, you are adding research to the body paragraphs. This will be three to four lines … Read more

Identify a company from the Fortune 100 that was severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Each student is to choose one company from the following industries: 1.Technology 2.Travel- e.g., Hotels or Airlines 3.Manufacturing 4.Pharmaceutical 5.Entertainment- e.g., Amusement Parks or Theaters 6.Automotive

Week 1 Discussion Strategic management is nothing but planning for both predictable as well as unfeasible contingencies. It is applicable to large organizations as they face significant competition and by unexpected or non-foreseen conditions occurrences by formulating and implementing appropriate strategies. In rapidly changing markets, strategy tells us that we should not build plans or … Read more

Assignment Brief: Digital Bank of Singapore (DBS) is a private bank that provides investment advisory and wealth management solutions. It is headquartered in Singapore but has offices in Australia and Hong Kong as well. Edwin Ho was hired by DBS after graduating summa cum laude in finance from a reputable local university. On his first day

Assignment Brief: Digital Bank of Singapore (DBS) is a private bank that provides investment advisory and wealth management solutions. It is headquartered in Singapore but has offices in Australia and Hong Kong as well. Edwin Ho was hired by DBS after graduating summa cum laude in finance from a reputable local university. On his first … Read more

Choose an organisation that works significantly with young people in Australia (this can be a youth specific organisation or an organisation that also works with other clients) and describe their ethos, activities and outcomes. Respond forum questions, the response is 600 words, discuss the forum question relating to the unit, referring to unit r

Choose an organisation that works significantly with young people in Australia (this can be a youth specific organisation or an organisation that also works with other clients) and describe their ethos, activities and outcomes. Respond forum questions, the response is 600 words, discuss the forum question relating to the unit, referring to unit readings and … Read more

Assessment Task 2: Skills and Performance Assessment Scenario The BBQfun Board of Directors and the CEO have decided to implement an e-commerce strategy to maintain or increase market share and revenue and satisfy customer needs in line with company’s strategic directions. You have been hired as an external consultant to manage resource planning activities for BBQfun’s e-commerce strategy. Under the strategy, BBQfun would offer all products in an online store. Stock could be stored at no extra cost at existing store

Task Details: Learners should demonstrate their contributions using their skills and knowledge that they have developed. They should show that they understand and can apply the information discussed in the Learner Guide. They can also demonstrate their existing knowledge and experience wherever necessary. It is anticipated that the assessment will take approximately 5 hours to complete. … Read more

In the financial year 2018–19, Australia generated $60.8 billion in direct tourism gross domestic product (GDP). This represents a growth of 3.5 per cent over the previous year –faster than the national GDP growth. Tourism also directly

Case Study: In the financial year 2018–19, Australia generated $60.8 billion in direct tourism gross domestic product (GDP). This represents a growth of 3.5 per cent over the previous year –faster than the national GDP growth. Tourism also directly employed 666,000 Australians making up 5 per cent of Australia’s workforce; 44 cents of everytourism dollar … Read more

Assignment Brief: You are required to recommend additional control measures for five hazards identified. prioritizing those with higher risk or severity. Upstream risk-controlled is preferred i.e. these additional controls should be from elimination, substitution, or

Assignment Brief: You are required to recommend additional control measures for five hazards identified. prioritizing those with higher risk or severity. Upstream risk-controlled is preferred i.e. these additional controls should be from elimination, substitution, or engineering control types.   Description Marks Allotted Workplace safety and health culture and recommendations for improvement Conduct of risk assessment … Read more

Question I During the last holiday, you worked in a commercial bank as an Intern. In the first week, you were assigned to work with the bond desk. The first task given to you is to price two (2) types of bonds, namely: zero-coupon bond and fixed-rate bond. (a) Develop and implement a function zero_coupon_bond _price° that calculates the price of a zero-coupon bond by accepting 3 input

You are required to submit one (1) Word document (in Docx format) and one (1) Jupyter Notebook script for this entire TMA. The Word document is regarded as the main submission form in which the marker will assess your work. Thus, you should amply explain the steps you have taken to obtain your answers, inserting … Read more

iven the current labor market, the costs of recruiting and hiring are becoming more apparent than ever to organizations. After going through the difficulty of attracting and hiring talented people, businesses do not want to lose them to competitions. The difficulty is staffing has created an emphasis on retaining human resources. Applied Indus

Assignment Brief: Given the current labor market, the costs of recruiting and hiring are becoming more apparent than ever to organizations. After going through the difficulty of attracting and hiring talented people, businesses do not want to lose them to competitions. The difficulty is staffing has created an emphasis on retaining human resources. Applied Industrial … Read more

QUESTION 1 Company Creative Solutions has installed a pre-paid electricity meter. They have bought500 electricity units from Checkers for R908. They load the units on the pre-paid electricity meter exactly at 08:00 on the day of installation (See pic

QUESTION 1 Company Creative Solutions has installed a pre-paid electricity meter. They have bought500 electricity units from Checkers for R908. They load the units on the pre-paid electricity meter exactly at 08:00 on the day of installation (See picture). They took the reading every hour from 09:00 till 17:00. They want to determine how many … Read more


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