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Task: Choose ONE of the following sectors as your focus and discuss how a business sector can demonstrate its responsibilities in a global context today. This assignment is entirely secondary information-based and as such you are not required to conduct any primary research. The Clothing Industry The Banking

Learning outcomes Knowledge Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated: Knowledge K1 The ability to identify key challenges relating to business responsibility and sustainability. K2 The ability to examine and analyze the moral considerations generated by contemporary business behavior. K3 The ability to consider the extent of responsibilities that businesses have in … Read more

The BBQfun Board of Directors and the CEO have decided to implement an e-commerce strategy to maintain or increase market share and revenue and satisfy customer needs in line with company’s strategic directions. You have been hired as an external consultant to manage resource planning activities for BBQfun’s e-commerce strategy.

Learners should demonstrate their contributions using their skills and knowledge that they have developed. They should show that they understand and can apply the information discussed in the Learner Guide. They can also demonstrate their existing knowledge and experience wherever necessary. It is anticipated that the assessment will take approximately 5 hours to complete. The assessment … Read more

Online examinations have become a norm in most universities due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many would say that online examinations are the best way to ensure that study opportunities for students are not disrupted and others may say that they are unfair because they enable students to produce work that is not their ow

Assignment Brief: Online examinations have become a norm in most universities due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many would say that online examinations are the best way to ensure that study opportunities for students are not disrupted and others may say that they are unfair because they enable students to produce work that … Read more

Please select a developing or least developing country as defined by Kebede-Francis, and compare and contrast the efficacy of applying the biomedical, social, and political economy approaches to public health in the country you have selecte

Instructions Please select a developing or least developing country as defined by Kebede-Francis, and compare and contrast the efficacy of applying the biomedical, social, and political economy approaches to public health in the country you have selected? Address the historical, socio-cultural, political, governmental, and economic factors that have influenced this country’s current level of development. … Read more

In the financial year 2018–19, Australia generated $60.8 billion in direct tourism gross domestic product (GDP). This represents a growth of 3.5 per cent over the previous year –faster than the national GDP growth. Tourism also directly employed 666,000 Australians making up 5 per cent of Australia’s workforce; 44 cents of everytourism dollar wer

Case Study: In the financial year 2018–19, Australia generated $60.8 billion in direct tourism gross domestic product (GDP). This represents a growth of 3.5 per cent over the previous year –faster than the national GDP growth. Tourism also directly employed 666,000 Australians making up 5 per cent of Australia’s workforce; 44 cents of everytourism dollar … Read more

Case Study: In the financial year 2018–19, Australia generated $60.8 billion in direct tourism gross domestic product (GDP). This represents a growth of 3.5 per cent over the previous year –faster than the national GDP growth. Tourism also directly employed 666,000 Australians making up 5 per cent of Australia’s workforce; 44 cents of everytourism dollar were

Case Study: In the financial year 2018–19, Australia generated $60.8 billion in direct tourism gross domestic product (GDP). This represents a growth of 3.5 per cent over the previous year –faster than the national GDP growth. Tourism also directly employed 666,000 Australians making up 5 per cent of Australia’s workforce; 44 cents of everytourism dollar … Read more

Task 1 – Business Idea Development The business idea should be something new and your own development. It can be a totally new radical or an incremental innovation on an existing product/services, (Examples may include: Themed restaurants, Platform offering skilled workers for small tasks, online laundry service, News and information sharing

Assignment 1 – Group Presentation You will need to develop a presentation in groups of 3, 4 or 5, that clearly expresses your ideas at a formal exhibition of business ideas in the context of becoming an entrepreneur. You are required to use critical judgement to select strategies for sustainable and innovative business or social … Read more

Build a Business Plan/ Report Build a business plan/report in the format that includes the below table of contents Executive Summary Business /Industry Overview Products/Services Description Mark

Build a Business Plan/ Report Build a business plan/report in the format that includes the below table of contents Executive Summary Business /Industry Overview Products/Services Description Market Analysis and the Competition Sales and Marketing Plan Ownership and Management Team Operating Plan Financial Plan Appendices and Exhibits For example: Start a Teashop, Coffeeshop or Food Truck … Read more

Assignment Brief: Digital Bank of Singapore (DBS) is a private bank that provides investment advisory and wealth management solutions. It is headquartered in Singapore but has offices in Australia and Hong Kong as well. Edwin Ho was hired by DBS after graduating summa cum laude in finance from a reputable local university. On his first day at the bank, Edwin meets with his supervisor, Jonathan Tan, CFA. The followin

Assignment Brief: Digital Bank of Singapore (DBS) is a private bank that provides investment advisory and wealth management solutions. It is headquartered in Singapore but has offices in Australia and Hong Kong as well. Edwin Ho was hired by DBS after graduating summa cum laude in finance from a reputable local university. On his first … Read more

In your own words, respond to the following questions in 250–500 words total for the whole activity. What are the key points Thorne makes about health promotion in the context of chronic illness? Consider what you have read in the above vignette about Jack’s situation. Describe evidence of Jack’s issues as you read f

Learning Activity-5 Please read the following article and then respond to questions below. Read the following: In your own words, respond to the following questions in 250–500 words total for the whole activity. What are the key points Thorne makes about health promotion in the context of chronic illness? Consider what you have read in … Read more


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