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Annotated Bibliography (120 Points)Be sure your sources address: Your supervisor has asked you to prepare a training session for healthcare providers about the role of cross-cultural communication in your organization. The first step to develop this training will be for you to compile an annotated bibliography of resources for contemporary best practices for training healthcare providers on effective cross-cultural communication. Make sure that your presentation addresses the following:

Annotated Bibliography (120 Points)Be sure your sources address: Your supervisor has asked you to prepare a training session for healthcare providers about the role of cross-cultural communication in your organization. The first step to develop this training will be for you to compile an annotated bibliography of resources for contemporary best practices for training healthcare … Read more

Social Inequality (Prejudice and Discrimination) we need to speak about Social inequality more, we have recently witnessed numerous events that show and describe the problems that many people of color face in everyday life when it comes to discrimination. A good example is the George Floyd case. Many people believe the outcome of this case was driven by the color of his skin and nothing more. They feel anger towards that injustice. Cases like George Floyds have brought

Social Inequality (Prejudice and Discrimination) we need to speak about Social inequality more, we have recently witnessed numerous events that show and describe the problems that many people of color face in everyday life when it comes to discrimination. A good example is the George Floyd case. Many people believe the outcome of this case … Read more

Instructions: 750 word minimum/1000 word maximum. Include 2 sources such as .edu/.gov/.org websites to help inform your response. Standard introduction, body, conclusion with a compelling thesis is expected. American Revolution Instructions: After more than a century and a half of English colonial settle

Instructions: 750 word minimum/1000 word maximum. Include 2 sources such as .edu/.gov/.org websites to help inform your response. Standard introduction, body, conclusion with a compelling thesis is expected. American Revolution Instructions: After more than a century and a half of English colonial settlement in North America, a coalition of British colonies along the east coast … Read more

As we wind down our study of the Mediterranean world from ancient Egypt to Hellenistic Greece, let’s look at the myths and legends that have been handed down from those eras. Your book touches on some of these topics, but I’d like to see what you come up with. For this discussion, you’ll do some internet-sleuthing. I am neither supporting nor refuting any of the theories suggested. They’re just interesting

As we wind down our study of the Mediterranean world from ancient Egypt to Hellenistic Greece, let’s look at the myths and legends that have been handed down from those eras. Your book touches on some of these topics, but I’d like to see what you come up with. For this discussion, you’ll do some … Read more

Dr. Potter provides vaccinations against polio and measles. Each polio vaccination consists of 4 doses, and each measles vaccination consists of 2 doses. Last year, Dr. Potter gave a total of 60 vaccinations that consisted of a total of 184 doses. How many polio vaccinations and how many measles vaccinations did Dr. Potter give last year?

Dr. Potter provides vaccinations against polio and measles. Each polio vaccination consists of 4 doses, and each measles vaccination consists of 2 doses. Last year, Dr. Potter gave a total of 60 vaccinations that consisted of a total of 184 doses. How many polio vaccinations and how many measles vaccinations did Dr. Potter give last … Read more

prior to beginning work on this discussion, please read the required churchill and mruk (2014), hayes (2012), and waterman (2013) articles, and review the apa’sethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct(links to an external site.)And chapters 14 through 17 in your textbook.

prior to beginning work on this discussion, please read the required churchill and mruk (2014), hayes (2012), and waterman (2013) articles, and review the apa’sethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct(links to an external site.)And chapters 14 through 17 in your textbook. For this discussion, you will choose a person who has an important … Read more

The television show Degenerate Housewives has been successful for many years. That show recently had a share of 18, meaning that among the TV sets in use, 18% were tuned to Degenerate Housewives. Assume that an advertiser wants to verify that 18% share value by conducting its own survey, and a pilot survey begins with 12 households have TV sets in use at the time of a Degenerate Housewivesbroadcast. Find the p

The television show Degenerate Housewives has been successful for many years. That show recently had a share of 18, meaning that among the TV sets in use, 18% were tuned to Degenerate Housewives. Assume that an advertiser wants to verify that 18% share value by conducting its own survey, and a pilot survey begins with … Read more

When seeking a child care facility to which to entrust their children, families do extensive research to find a location that works best for them. Parents can use the handbook of a child care facility to learn about the procedures and expectations of the facility to assist them in selecting the best placement for their children. For this assignment, you will create a handbook for a child care facility you plan to open. The purpose of the handbook is to provide prospective familie

When seeking a child care facility to which to entrust their children, families do extensive research to find a location that works best for them. Parents can use the handbook of a child care facility to learn about the procedures and expectations of the facility to assist them in selecting the best placement for their … Read more

Assignment: To what extent do Vygotsky’s concepts explain the experience? After completing the reading assignments for the week answer the following question:Think about an experience in which you learned something that was initially difficult. To what extent do Vygotsky’s concepts (guided participation, language mediation, apprenticeship, zone of proximal development) explain the experience? Write a detailed, step-by-step account of your learning process as Vygotsky would have described i

Assignment: To what extent do Vygotsky’s concepts explain the experience? After completing the reading assignments for the week answer the following question:Think about an experience in which you learned something that was initially difficult. To what extent do Vygotsky’s concepts (guided participation, language mediation, apprenticeship, zone of proximal development) explain the experience? Write a detailed, … Read more

Given Fei’s daughter has found her unconscious on the floor, discuss the first aid management in this scenario: Short Answer Case Study Fei Hong is a 60-year-old Chinese grandmother who speaks little English. She has moved to Australia to help her daughter with her 3-year-old twins. Fei has started to show signs of early dementia and also has a hearing and sight impairment. While trying to help cook dinner for th

Given Fei’s daughter has found her unconscious on the floor, discuss the first aid management in this scenario: Short Answer Case Study Fei Hong is a 60-year-old Chinese grandmother who speaks little English. She has moved to Australia to help her daughter with her 3-year-old twins. Fei has started to show signs of early dementia … Read more


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