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TPB505TA – Research Project You are a management consultant and you have been engaged by First Fleet Pty. Ltd. to provide expert advice with regard to a business situation with this company. You have been contacted by Brian, on behalf of the directors of First Fleet Pty Ltd. They would like you to advise them as to any potential liability or actions under the current statute, common law, and equitable principles in relation to property law relevant to the information in the First Fleet case study.

TPB505TA – Research Project You are a management consultant and you have been engaged by First Fleet Pty. Ltd. to provide expert advice with regard to a business situation with this company. You have been contacted by Brian, on behalf of the directors of First Fleet Pty Ltd. They would like you to advise them … Read more

TPB505TA – Research Project You are a management consultant and you have been engaged by First Fleet Pty. Ltd. to provide expert advice with regard to a business situation with this company. You have been contacted by Brian, on behalf of the directors of First Fleet Pty Ltd. They would like you to advise them as to any potential liability or actions under

TPB505TA – Research Project You are a management consultant and you have been engaged by First Fleet Pty. Ltd. to provide expert advice with regard to a business situation with this company. You have been contacted by Brian, on behalf of the directors of First Fleet Pty Ltd. They would like you to advise them … Read more

Purpose: This project requires you to identify and assess legal issues, apply the law to the facts and make recommendations. The issues relate to the concepts and assigned materials covered in weeks 1, 2, and 3. This project will guide you in preparing a PowerPoint presentation.

Purpose: This project requires you to identify and assess legal issues, apply the law to the facts and make recommendations. The issues relate to the concepts and assigned materials covered in weeks 1, 2, and 3. This project will guide you in preparing a PowerPoint presentation. This project meets the following course outcomes: recommend appropriate … Read more

Case Scenario Police Officer Gilbert Caesar sought a warrant to search the persons of Raul Franco and his live-in girlfriend Mildred, the house where Raul and Mildred resided, and a black pickup truck owned by Raul. Police Officer Caesar’s Affidavit in Support of Application for Search Warrant:

APPENDIX JUS2201—Criminal Procedure ASSESSMENT ASSIGNMENT Case Scenario Police Officer Gilbert Caesar sought a warrant to search the persons of Raul Franco and his live-in girlfriend Mildred, the house where Raul and Mildred resided, and a black pickup truck owned by Raul. Police Officer Caesar’s Affidavit in Support of Application for Search Warrant: “In the latter … Read more

Research a country that could be ripe for business opportunities outside the USA. Write a rationalization of why you would go to that country to do business based on the points below. Your outline for your paper should look similar to the following:

Research a country that could be ripe for business opportunities outside the USA. Write a rationalization of why you would go to that country to do business based on the points below. Your outline for your paper should look similar to the following: Intro Discuss why you selected this country and industry. What are the pros and … Read more

Vasco da Gama Industries is deciding whether to make or outsource the new batteries that will power its new Hydro Bat-Boat. Guy Josobo is the CEO, and he runs all the production management for the project. He has determined the following costs: Respectively the amounts are $-20,000 (lose money) low, $40,000 medium, and $100,000 high demand to produce at Vasco da Gama. To outsource the project, he has determin

Vasco da Gama Industries is deciding whether to make or outsource the new batteries that will power its new Hydro Bat-Boat. Guy Josobo is the CEO, and he runs all the production management for the project. He has determined the following costs: Respectively the amounts are $-20,000 (lose money) low, $40,000 medium, and $100,000 high … Read more

Assignment 2: Sensory Checklist Create a sensory perception checklist. The checklist should not be general but should include specific activities that a child would do to demonstrate high perfor

This is two assignments so please read carefully. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling. Assignment 1: In teams, by the end of the week students will compose a research-based essay and informational brochure focusing on definitional issues and developmental processes. This essay … Read more

Scenario 1. North Korea Nuclear & Ballistic Missile Program: You are a Defence IntelligenceOrganisation (DIO) or Headquarters Joint Operations Centre (JOC), J2 (IntelligenceDirectorate), Bungendore intelligence analyst and you have been directed to research,analyse and deliver a comprehensive yet concise

Scenario 1. North Korea Nuclear & Ballistic Missile Program: You are a Defence Intelligence Organisation (DIO) or Headquarters Joint Operations Centre (JOC), J2 (Intelligence Directorate), Bungendore intelligence analyst and you have been directed to research, analyze and deliver a comprehensive yet concise ‘Intelligence Estimate’ & one-page ‘IssuePaper’ on the historical, current and projected situation in … Read more

Beevers, Rea et al (2020) writing in ‘Learning & Development in the Workplace’ (Chap 3) suggest that there are different approaches an HRD practitioner can take when identifying Learning & Development needs. Some of these, so it is suggested by these authors and others in the wider literature, may be organisationally dependent in s

ASSIGNMENT QUESTION This task concerns the broad theories and processes relating to strategic Human Resource Development (HRD). Write an essay in which you address the following: Task One Beevers, Rea et al (2020) writing in ‘Learning & Development in the Workplace’ (Chap 3) suggest that there are different approaches an HRD practitioner can take when … Read more

Choose a character from American history involved in some aspect of the American Revolution from 1763-1789. Using a minimum of five good, academic sources, write a five-page essay about that person and his/her contributions, accomplishments. Document appropriately using correct footnote

Biographical Essay Choose a character from American history involved in some aspect of the American Revolution from 1763-1789. Using a minimum of five good, academic sources, write a five-page essay about that person and his/her contributions, accomplishments. Document appropriately using correct footnote and bibliographical forms. You may choose anyone, but I have provided a list … Read more


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