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Description This assignment is to be written on the Template provided in Blackboard Course Materials and Assessment Assignment 1 template 1. This assessment is based on the clinical situation of Mr Ron Fraser in Scenario 2B, and two aspects of his nursing care in the perioperative period – fluid management and pain management. 2. Collect cues: Identify and list the clusters of abnormalities (cues) from the scenario that relate to the identified priority

Assessment 1 – Written Assignment 1 – Care Plan Assessment Type Written Assignment Purpose This assignment is designed for students to consolidate their learning from the first two (2) tutorials; to demonstrate their clinical reasoning and application of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle to plan care for patients including identifying symptoms, risk factors and pathophysiological changes; … Read more

Fast changing workplace demands in the 21st century call for greater flexibility in the ways individuals and work teams make and implement decisions. This assessment draws on learning activities and resources from weeks 1-4. It is designed for you to record and reflect on the decision-making preferences, processes and tools that you use personally on a daily basis and compare and contrast this with one or two major personal or business decisions. You should include in your reflective report: 1. Decis

Length Up to 1000 words Learning Outcomes a) Select and evaluate the usefulness of a range of decision making tools and reflect on your decision-making styles and contrast with other styles to determine the respective levels of rationality and intuition utilised b) Compare, contrast and critically evaluate sources of data as influences for decision-making in … Read more

Innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship can come in many different forms and be successful for many reasons. As such, being able to recognise these will broaden your understanding and appreciation for the important role of entrepreneurship and innovation in society today. Th

entrepreneurship. b) Critically evaluate and justify the perspective of the user and the unique value proposition aimed at them in the development of the enterprise. Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Friday of Module 2.2 (Week 4) Weighting 15% Total Marks 15 marks Context: Innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship can come in many different forms and be successful … Read more

Question 1. [25 Marks] This Question requires the use of WEKA and SPSS toolkits. Consider the Absenteeism dataset saved as a .txt file with the name absenteeism.txt as found on SAKAI LMS with the attribute information provided at Appendix A at the end of Question 5. Alternatively, I have provided the dataset in Appendix B for your consideration. The dataset was created with records of absenteeism at work from July 2007 to July 2010 at a courier company in a given country. You are expected to perform the following tasks: a) Create

TWENTY FOUR (24) HOURS Question 1. [25 Marks] This Question requires the use of WEKA and SPSS toolkits. Consider the Absenteeism dataset saved as a .txt file with the name absenteeism.txt as found on SAKAI LMS with the attribute information provided at Appendix A at the end of Question 5. Alternatively, I have provided the … Read more

EVENT REPORT Fill in all the fields below as best you can. Describe the event in a total of 150-300 words. Some points you should include are as follows: Where you able to contact anyone via this event who offered you some useful industry advice? If so, please provide their details here. Name: Company: Email: What ideas

ACS Event Report Template STUDENT DETAILS Student Name: PY Provider: Provider Student ID Number: ACS Member Number: Report No (1, 2, or 3): Are you missing information below? Visit your myACS Event Calendar and Certification/CPD Hours Topic: Speaker: Date: Event Venue: CPD Hours: SFIA Skill Alignment: EVENT REPORT Fill in all the fields below as … Read more

Knowledge-based questions 1. Why is it important to analyse an organisation’s objectives when identifying change requirements or opportunities? 2. Give three examples of the types of strategic change that may be required as a result of an analysis of organisational objectives. 3. Why

Qualification: BSB61015 Training Package: BSB Business Service Due Date: Week 9 Assessment Type: Assessment Guidelines Please read the following assessment guidelines carefully. 1. The purpose of this activity is to assess your knowledge and skills in Lead and manage organisational change. 2. If you have any considerations that may affect your performance in the assessment, … Read more

1. Open the Assignment3Starter.xlsm workbook and complete the instructions given in class to copy the User Defined Functions into the workbook. Apply the steps shown in lecture to record the keystroke macro. 2. Now create the User Defined Function in the starter workbook to calculate the present value of a growing ordinary finite annuity named PVGOFA. The arguments should be C, g, r, and n (in that order). See page 18 of your text, the Chapter

Assignment 3. Financial Calculations and Data Table Models Overview: Build a workbook to write an Excel user defined function and three unique Data Table examples. The ideas, models and design of this workbook project must be 100% your own as discussed in class. Collaboration with others is strictly prohibited. Begin by downloading the Assignment3Starter workbook. … Read more

Technology Choose a technology that is used within the project area. Make sure you name the technology for your proposal. For example, you may find different types of technologies that can be used within the chosen domain (e.g. Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Virtual Reality), but you need to choose and focus only on ONE technology. Techniq

Student Name Student ID Technology Choose a technology that is used within the project area. Make sure you name the technology for your proposal. For example, you may find different types of technologies that can be used within the chosen domain (e.g. Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Virtual Reality), but you need to choose and focus … Read more

The Problem and Context •Describe the current and historical policy context of the problem.? •What is the problem which the policy seeks to address? What problems are highlighted??? •What problems have been overlooked?? Frame of Reference/Dominant Discourse •What is th

*Please Note: This time is Sydney time (AEST or AEDT). Please convert to your own time zone (eg. Adelaide = 11:25pm). Instructions: In this Assessment, you will engage in policy analysis. Choose a health policy (either current or past), either at the state or federal level, to analyse in this Assignment (eg, mental health policy, … Read more

SCENARIO You have been brought on as part of a data analysis team to improve on their malware detection capabilities. The basic analysis was conducted by TOBORRM staff based on their ‘gut feel’ and some basic statistical understanding. You will be trying to improve their initial statistical analysis by using various machine learning models for analysis and classification. The raw data for your machine learning analysis is contained in the MLDATASET-200000- 1612938401.csv file. The variables in the dataset are as summarised in the table below. Feature

Assignment: Improvements to malware detection and classification Machine learning is not all about autonomous vehicles and terminator robots. Techniques such as principle component analysis (PCA) can be combined with other data exploration techniques to help us gain a deeper understanding of the world around us. Many machine learning (ML) techniques aspire to reduce the complexity … Read more


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