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Type of Project Practical/ Review Technology Choose a technology that is used within the project area. Make sure you name the technology for your proposal. For example, you may find different types of technologies that can be used within the chosen domain (e.g. Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Virtual Reality), but you need to choose and focus only on ONE technology. Techni

Writing Proposal Template for ITC571 Read the guidelines in each section carefully and work based on them. We also given example in each section based on “Resource Sample-Mixed Reality Visualization in Image Guided Surgery” PDF File. Student Name and ID Project area You need to write the area/field that you are interested in. Type of … Read more

Look for a case on Planning. Analyze the case using the prescribed Case Analysis Format. Check the similarity index (20% threshold) ASSIGNMENT OUTPUT Required: a) Case Study b) Case Analysis c) Plagiarism Report RUBRIC / MARKING SCHEME Analysis will be graded on the following criteria (for 10 points): 9 -10 = Details are fully complete and demonstrate deep understanding of the content. 8 – 9 = With learning

TOPIC Planning Organizing ASSIGNMENT DIRECTION & REQUIREMENT/S Look for a case on Planning. Analyze the case using the prescribed Case Analysis Format. Check the similarity index (20% threshold) ASSIGNMENT OUTPUT Required: a) Case Study b) Case Analysis c) Plagiarism Report RUBRIC / MARKING SCHEME Analysis will be graded on the following criteria (for 10 points): … Read more

Assignment details A common and contemporary issue for health service managers are the constant changes due to the development of technology. This is seen in device, prosthesis, software and pharmaceutical products which can be expensive, disrupt current practices and lead to other flow on changes and costs. In the co

After you have read this information, head over to the Assignment 2 Q&A discussion board to ask any questions and see what your peers are saying about this assignment. Assignment overview In this assignment, you will evaluate relevant literature to inform the critical analysis of strategic management practices, organisational behaviour and factors in the implementation … Read more

Topic: Beam Alignment in 5G mm Wave mobile systems. This project will investigate beam alignment in mm-wave mobile systems. These systems are an important component of the anticipated next phase of 5G mobile communications, and have huge potential to deliver vastly increased data rates. The beam alignment problem is very challenging because electro-magnetic beams are extremely narrow

Topic: Beam Alignment in 5G mm Wave mobile systems. This project will investigate beam alignment in mm-wave mobile systems. These systems are an important component of the anticipated next phase of 5G mobile communications, and have huge potential to deliver vastly increased data rates. The beam alignment problem is very challenging because electro-magnetic beams are … Read more

Context: The major assessment for this unit is a Reflective Portfolio. A portfolio is an organised collection of student work designed to represent students” efforts and academic achievements over a period of time, in this case over a period of one term. The main purpose of this portfolio is for you to reflect upon what you have achieved and learnt throughout the term in this unit. Reflecting on your experiences will in turn give you the ability to implement the skills developed

ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Name MRD403: Management of Rooms Division Assessment Reflection Portfolio Individual/Group Individual Length 3,000 words Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following subject learning outcomes: a) Undertake and critically reflect upon the rooms division supervisory functions. b) Assess a hotel business using management theories, concepts and business performance tools to measure, … Read more

TASK 1: Given the data sheets above, you are required to provide a series of functions to 1) display/print all dengue cases from 2014-2018; 2) compute the total of dengue cases per year; 3) find the total of dengue cases per area; 4) find the area of the lowest cases of dengue; 5) find the area of the highest cases of dengue and etc. Marks Allocation: Criteria

LEARNING OUTCOME Adapt functional programs to solve computing problems using functional and logic programming language concepts. (P6, PLO3) OVERVIEW Programming paradigms can be defined as programming styles in problem solving. In software programing languages, there are distinct programming paradigms and a set of programming concepts used in the platforms. In practice, imperative programming like procedural … Read more

Students will write a report on an aspect of the application of unstructured data mining in an industry context. On successful completion you will be able to: • Demonstrate an understanding of basic concepts, techniques, algorithms and modellings in unstructured data mining. • Present and analyse the unstructured data mining results with advanced data mining techniques. 1. Title Page

COMP8230 Mining Unstructured Data Assessment Task 1 Report on Data Mining in Industry Assessment Type: Report Indicative Time on Task: 20 hours Due: Week 5 – 26 March, 5pm Weighting: 30% Students will write a report on an aspect of the application of unstructured data mining in an industry context. On successful completion you will … Read more

Background In this assignment you will discuss the ethics of a real-life technology and a variety of situations to which it might be applied. In the current case, the topic regards the recent upsurge in organisation use of software automation to monitor employees working from home during the global COVID-19 pandemic. As a project management student who in future may help develop related equipment and software (or have privileged access to information provided by their

UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, SYDNEY 31272 Project Management and the Professional Assignment 1 – Autumn 2021 Marks: 30 marks (30%) Submission Components: Softcopy Report Submission Due: 6pm, 1 April 2021 Report Submission To: Canvas (softcopy) Length: 2800- 3500 words (of report body) Anticipated Commitment: 12 hours per student Objectives/Graduate Attributes: 4 / B, E This is … Read more

ssignment 3: Job Application and SFIA Self-Assessment By now you should have refreshed your LinkedIn profile; undertaken your second skills/competencies evaluation using the mySFIA assessment tool and made some conclusions about how things have changed since your first evaluation back in Module 1. This last assignment brings these various elements together and draws on your learning and internship experiences challenging you to use these tools to deliver your best pitch for the job you really want right now

Assignment 3: Job Application and SFIA Self-Assessment By now you should have refreshed your LinkedIn profile; undertaken your second skills/competencies evaluation using the mySFIA assessment tool and made some conclusions about how things have changed since your first evaluation back in Module 1. This last assignment brings these various elements together and draws on your … Read more


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