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the report is about a marketing and communication plan of a brand choice it should have for example these contents : 1. Contents background analysis of the brand  SWOT Analysis of the brand  Key Findings Communications Plan

the report is about a marketing and communication plan of a brand choice it should have for example these contents : 1. Contents background analysis of the brand  SWOT Analysis of the brand  Key Findings Communications Plan 2. Goals and objective of the communications campaign Goals Objectives 3. Target Marketing  Demographic Psychographic

You are applying for the role of a marketing manager and required to carry out research into the concepts of marketing for this business (Intercontinental Hotel London- The 02, Greenwich). Do not forget to introduce the business first and explain its concept. 1. Discuss the concepts of marketing for the hotel 2. Assess the i

A research report describing the concepts of marketing, the role of marketing mix, the promotional mix, and the marketing cycle in a services industry context. You are applying for the role of a marketing manager and required to carry out research into the concepts of marketing for this business (Intercontinental Hotel London- The 02, Greenwich). … Read more

You are applying for the role of a Marketing Manager in a hospitality organization of your choice and as part of the selection process, you are required to carry out individual research into the concepts of marketing for this business. Do not forget to introduce the business first and explain its concept Using your research, produce a written report of your findings which should include: 1. Discuss the concepts of marketing for your selected hospitality business. 2.Assess the impac

Assignment Brief: A research report describing the concepts of marketing, the role of the marketing mix, the promotional mix, and the marketing cycle in a services industry context. You are applying for the role of a Marketing Manager in a hospitality organization of your choice and as part of the selection process, you are required … Read more

Task A Research report Carry out research into the theories, principles, and models of learning in education and training. Write a report in which you analyze a) theories, principles, models of learning, and models of learning preferences Drawing on this research and on your own exp

Assignment: Theories, principles and models education and training Assignment overview There are five learning outcomes for this unit: Understand the application of theories, principles, and models of learning in education and training Understand the application of theories, principles, and models of communication in education and training Understand the application of theories, principles, and models of … Read more

Individual Storyboard: Week 6 in the seminar class. You are required to prepare a one-page storyboard to showcase what you plan to film in your Digital Presentation. You will have 5 minutes to talk through what you plan to include in your video. This should be in a storyboard format. This forms part of your Summative Assessment. This shou

Formative Assessment: Individual Storyboard: Week 6 in the seminar class. You are required to prepare a one-page storyboard to showcase what you plan to film in your Digital Presentation. You will have 5 minutes to talk through what you plan to include in your video. This should be in a storyboard format. This forms part … Read more

Case 2: Stalking A male suspect Rawi Hasse has been arrested for stalking and harassment. He was allegedly repeatedly taking pictures of his target, another male. He claims that he has no pictures of the target in his possession. He has been observed to use a Nexus 5 phone to take pictures. You ha

Summary You are given a copy of a computer hard drive in VM dk format and a Mobile Phone Disk image in dd format. You are also given some other relevant files and information. You will have to examine the hard disk and mobile image using a number of different forensic techniques. You may use … Read more

Business ethics is the attitude and ways in which a business is formed and the way in which a business deal with the world. Many businesses behave in divert or different ways depend on the way it’s formed by the owners of the business Business ethics can be described as principle and standards that is guiding the behavior of people in the business. Many businesses have different reputation depends on the ways in which they have formed some business have bad reputation while some have a bad reputation. Some businesses are formed for money-making ventures while some a

Business Ethics Different ethical perspectives in business Business ethics is the attitude and ways in which a business is formed and the way in which a business deal with the world. Many businesses behave in divert or different ways depend on the way it’s formed by the owners of the business Business ethics can be … Read more

Design a REST API prototype using Covid19 data using node js, express, MongoDB, and mongoose for the given CSV data having the following field. React must be used for the user interface.

Design a REST API prototype using Covid19 data using node js, express, MongoDB, and mongoose for the given CSV data having the following field. React must be used for the user interface. county state cases death date The following task should be performed   1. Create a Mongo dB collection to hold the data from … Read more

Organization development has been categorized by academicians as having a professional field of social action dimension as well as a scientific inquiry area. The field of organizational development covers a wide area of activities, including team building, structural organizational change, job enrichment, the effects of change, the methods of organization

Assignment Brief:  Organization development has been categorized by academicians as having a professional field of social action dimension as well as a scientific inquiry area. The field of organizational development covers a wide area of activities, including team building, structural organizational change, job enrichment, the effects of change, the methods of organizational change, and the … Read more

Task 1  Q1.List and explain the four (4)stages of the Project Life Cycle, and discuss the importance of each of them. Q2.Describe What is the scope of a project and why it is essential, and How would you have defined the scope in Task 2; case study (AMECMarine Construction) Q3.Using the tables below, (Project 1, 2, 3) plot out an AON project network for all three projects and show: Identific

This is an individual assignment – complete both Tasks 1 and 2 Background: The assignment is intended to bring out the benefits and limitations of the four stages of the project life cycle with different approaches to project planning and control by relating these to the circumstances in the cases outlined. It is also intended … Read more


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