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 Description Assessment Title Written Assessment – Portfolio of teaching and learning materials- Minor Teaching Area Task Description This task requires you to apply core concepts of the unit to develop a Portfolio of teaching and learning materials based around a unit of work in your minor teaching area for a Junior Secondary class. The Portfolio will demonstrate your ability to apply subject knowledge and pedagogy skills in your minor teaching area

Description Assessment Title Written Assessment – Portfolio of teaching and learning materials- Minor Teaching Area Task Description This task requires you to apply core concepts of the unit to develop a Portfolio of teaching and learning materials based around a unit of work in your minor teaching area for a Junior Secondary class. The Portfolio … Read more

Description M5 Written Assignment -The ACA and Behavioral Health: Has it Made A Difference? The written assignment for Module 5 serves as a litmus test for the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on behavioral health services in your state and in your local community. Many of the provisions of the ACA were enacted to address the fragmentation in this environment of care. This included challenges of access, integration, and quality of both mental health and substance abuse services.

Description M5 Written Assignment -The ACA and Behavioral Health: Has it Made A Difference? The written assignment for Module 5 serves as a litmus test for the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on behavioral health services in your state and in your local community. Many of the provisions of the ACA were enacted … Read more

 1. Answer the following questions: What is a pandemic? How or where did the coronavirus originate? Show a timeline of the coronavirus outbreak, if possible. How does the virus spread? Discuss the signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Discuss prevention and treatment of COVID-19

1. Answer the following questions: What is a pandemic? How or where did the coronavirus originate? Show a timeline of the coronavirus outbreak, if possible. How does the virus spread? Discuss the signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Discuss prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Research on the latest statistics: Total number of cases in the US … Read more

Choose a film, musical artist, or TV show, video game, or website/social media site that you believe has a notable cultural message and/or has had (or will have) a significant impact on its medium (film, music, TV) or the culture. Give a brief history/biography of the the film, tv show, life of the artist, website, or social media site. What lead to its creation, what year(s) was it relevant, and what is its status today?

Choose a film, musical artist, or TV show, video game, or website/social media site that you believe has a notable cultural message and/or has had (or will have) a significant impact on its medium (film, music, TV) or the culture. Give a brief history/biography of the the film, tv show, life of the artist, website, … Read more

Description DIRECTIONS Please view the following video: The New Asylums (2005) 55 mins America’s severely mentally ill, who once would have been in state psychiatric hospitals, are now in state prisons. Why is this happening? And, what is mental health care like behind bars? FRONTLINE goes deep inside Ohio’s prison system to examine a troubling and growing issue.

Description DIRECTIONS Please view the following video: The New Asylums (2005) 55 mins America’s severely mentally ill, who once would have been in state psychiatric hospitals, are now in state prisons. Why is this happening? And, what is mental health care like behind bars? FRONTLINE goes deep inside Ohio’s prison system to examine a troubling … Read more

Description In contemporary society, we’ve seen videos of law enforcement using excessive force on the job. It seems like there are incidents on a regular basis of someone being shot or shot and killed on the nightly news, both suspects and officers. There has been more and more discussion about law enforcement wearing body cameras and taking training to help uncover and address implicit bias. How would you address this problem?

Description In contemporary society, we’ve seen videos of law enforcement using excessive force on the job. It seems like there are incidents on a regular basis of someone being shot or shot and killed on the nightly news, both suspects and officers. There has been more and more discussion about law enforcement wearing body cameras … Read more

Description For the Critical Analysis Research Essay, here are the prompt and requirements: Description: This essay continues the work from your two earlier essays, the Dual Article Review and the Rhetorical Analysis Essay. You need to revise those earlier essays so that they become the first two sections of this essay and then you need to add a new 1,000-word section that provides your unique research and analysis on the topic

Description For the Critical Analysis Research Essay, here are the prompt and requirements: Description: This essay continues the work from your two earlier essays, the Dual Article Review and the Rhetorical Analysis Essay. You need to revise those earlier essays so that they become the first two sections of this essay and then you need … Read more

Description This is a Reflective Writing Assignment designed to help students evaluate the importance of individual moods and emotions in the workplace. you will demonstrate synthesis of all you are learning through sharing your insights and wisdom in changing your behaviors in the application of the theories we are studying

Description This is a Reflective Writing Assignment designed to help students evaluate the importance of individual moods and emotions in the workplace. you will demonstrate synthesis of all you are learning through sharing your insights and wisdom in changing your behaviors in the application of the theories we are studying. e • Learn more about … Read more

Current Event Assignment For this assignment you will need to find a current event on an environmental issue. The issue can be local, state, national or global. You must 1) give a brief summary of the issue; 2) include your thoughts or comments on the issue; and 3) properly cite your source. Current events must be current – within the last few weeks of the assignment being due. Your submission should be approximately 350-500 words. The current event must b

Current Event Assignment For this assignment you will need to find a current event on an environmental issue. The issue can be local, state, national or global. You must 1) give a brief summary of the issue; 2) include your thoughts or comments on the issue; and 3) properly cite your source. Current events must … Read more

Your goal in Assignment 2 is to identify two or three countries for further analysis. In Module 2, you explored economic and socioeconomic, physical and environmental, socio-cultural, political, and legal forces and their influence on business. These are important forces to consider when expanding or establishing operations in a foreign country or investigating opportunities to target new markets in the global economy. In Assignment

Assignment 2: The International Business Environment Introduction Your goal in Assignment 2 is to identify two or three countries for further analysis. In Module 2, you explored economic and socioeconomic, physical and environmental, socio-cultural, political, and legal forces and their influence on business. These are important forces to consider when expanding or establishing operations in … Read more


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