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You have recently been employed as an officer within the Legal Department of a medium-sized  construction company, East India Construction Ltd (EIC Ltd). The company undertakes a large  number of building projects in England and Wales. It recruits site personnel in a variety of ways

You have recently been employed as an officer within the Legal Department of a medium-sized construction company, East India Construction Ltd (EIC Ltd). The company undertakes a large number of building projects in England and Wales. It recruits site personnel in a variety of ways. Some are employed directly by EIC Ltd. Others are recruited … Read more

Biographical Essay Choose a character from American history involved in some aspect of the American Revolution from 1763-1789. Using a minimum of five good, academic sources, write a five-page essay about that person and his/her contributions, accomplishments. Document appropriately using correct footnote and bibliographical forms. You may choose anyone, but I have provided a list of some lesser known or unusual figures that might appeal to you.

Biographical Essay Choose a character from American history involved in some aspect of the American Revolution from 1763-1789. Using a minimum of five good, academic sources, write a five-page essay about that person and his/her contributions, accomplishments. Document appropriately using correct footnote and bibliographical forms. You may choose anyone, but I have provided a list … Read more

The CEO of AdventureWorks Inc. wants to build a data mart to keep track of the sale orders’ performance. Specifically, he wants to know the total order quantity for each products, total order price, and total tax order percentage paid by customer (defined by total tax amount divided by total order price).

Assignment 4 – Modeling Enterprise Data Warehouse Spring 2021 The due date for the assignment 4 is 3/10/2021 (midnight). It must be submitted through the “Assignment 4 – Modeling Enterprise Data Warehouse” in Assignment Submission Folder provided in the D2L. It is important that you specify your name in the SQL file. The attachment name … Read more

Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to help students gain greater insight into the the resources available from Alcoholics Anonymous for people who struggle with  alcoholism. Description The student will search the Alcoholics Anonymous website and write a 500 word essay. Use the links shown below to find each element of the A.A. Essay. The essay will identify: 1) What is

Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to help students gain greater insight into the the resources available from Alcoholics Anonymous for people who struggle with  alcoholism. Description The student will search the Alcoholics Anonymous website and write a 500 word essay. Use the links shown below to find each element of the A.A. Essay. … Read more

XYZ is a software company with its headquarters in Chicago, USA. XYZ is active with a subsidiary in India and is considering a partnership in China, for which some of its employees will have to be stationed there.. The CEO has done a lot of reading regarding legislation, union traditions and employment relations in India and China, being already familiar with those in India, and has been to both countries on several occasions.

Description taught book through the semester was : International & comparative employment relations (6th edition) font 11 Arial, Times, Calibri pages must be numberedPage 1 of 4 Type 2 Examination Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences www.wittenborg.eu IBA/HBA/MCI/PM Type 2 Examination Module name: International Labour Relations Module code: MO33 Location: Apeldoorn & Munich Teacher(s): J. Remme … Read more

PRESENTATION TASK You have recently been employed as an officer within the Legal Department of a medium-sized construction company, East India Construction Ltd (EIC Ltd). The company undertakes a large number of building projects in England and Wales. It recruits site personnel in a variety of ways

PRESENTATION TASK You have recently been employed as an officer within the Legal Department of a medium-sized construction company, East India Construction Ltd (EIC Ltd). The company undertakes a large number of building projects in England and Wales. It recruits site personnel in a variety of ways. Some are employed directly by EIC Ltd. Others … Read more

First, review our Literary Analysis assignment full guidelines (cut and pasted at the bottom of this page). As a reminder, here is the prompt: “Using Educated as your only source, identify at least three major understandings (or epiphanies) that Westover realizes in her journey to become educated–and indicate which of those epiphanies or realizations is the most significant in helping her reach her goals. Draw on textual support f

First, review our Literary Analysis assignment full guidelines (cut and pasted at the bottom of this page). As a reminder, here is the prompt: “Using Educated as your only source, identify at least three major understandings (or epiphanies) that Westover realizes in her journey to become educated–and indicate which of those epiphanies or realizations is the most … Read more

Assignment 1 Brief Your essay will be expected to address the following: Investigate one area of health and social care by examining two academic journal articles. • Introduce/ justify your chosen top

Assignment 1 Brief Your essay will be expected to address the following: Investigate one area of health and social care by examining two academic journal articles. • Introduce/ justify your chosen topic by considering current research/ statistics in that subject area/ reference what others say about it – NHS/ NICE/ other authors etc. • Introduce … Read more

Directions: The purpose of the essay is to provide a vehicle to assess the student’s critical thinking, stated lesson educational objectives, and academic writing skills. Answer your selected writing prompt and provide evidence to support your position from the course materials or outside sources.

Directions: The purpose of the essay is to provide a vehicle to assess the student’s critical thinking, stated lesson educational objectives, and academic writing skills. Answer your selected writing prompt and provide evidence to support your position from the course materials or outside sources. Use original thought and analyze the topic with the knowledge gained … Read more


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